Friday, 25 October 2013

Make a new tradition.

Australia. Land of celebrations, long weekends and plenty of drinking and party foods.

None of this dancing round a maypole, for we Aussies. No Haka or celebratory singing at special occasions for us! Nope! We have two traditions here. We eat excessively and drink excessively in celebration of all. 
Aussies are a nation with very few national customs. We drink to celebrate the birth, the christening, the wedding, the birthdays of anyone in our community. Someone dies in a small town, and the fridge fills up with food and the wake begins. 

Birthday? Lets drink till we fall over, and shave off an eyebrow. Christmas is composed of how many beers and prawns we can fit in before the obligatory afternoon sleep on the lounge. Easter? Don't get me started on Easter.. There is more chocolate  in this house at Easter time than in the Cadbury factory in Tassie. We have a beautiful Easter tree resplendent with its choc eggs and rabbits hanging decoratively, each year. 

I've lived for many years in Qld mining towns (man-land) - and looking back, almost all of our successful community fundraising activities surround alcohol also.  The Church fete every year had the biggest bar in history, the local high school's main fundraiser is Oktoberfest Complete with all the hi jinks that goes along with that. Hospital fete was a ripper, aside from that year I nearly fell off he stage playing the tambourine. Band, BBQ, and beer. Heaps of it.

The local Footy club has a bar, and many people spend more time inside the bar than watching the game. Wine and cheese night for the Xmas craft fair. The list just grows in line with our waist lines. It all surrounds food and wine and drinking and weight gain. 

 The more I think about it, the unhealthy we appear as a nation. I read yesterday that 6 in every 10 Aussies are obese - that's even higher odds than the survey of airport customers that I undertook earlier this year. More than half our population are obese, not just overweight OBESE. ( that's really bloody fat, for those of you who may not know..)

Lets,  this year, decide not to play? 
Lets Decide to cook healthy, paleo, natural foods for Xmas day, (predominantly - okay?  I can hear you Pav lovers squealing...) and offer nutritious alternatives. Make non alcoholic punch instead of champagne for breakfast. Instead of store bought preservative laded dip and biscuits, do vege crudités and homemade beetroot or carrot dip. Meat for lunch, veges or salad. Desserts made from clean, fresh ingredients. Low alcohol or no alcohol drinks. Freshly squeezed juice and banana pancakes for breakfast. So many fresh ideas that involve healthy eating, 
I could go on for hours. Google clean Christmas foods if you need inspiration. Don't tell anyone, I can guarantee that no one will notice the difference. They will all be so impressed with the diversity and the great tasting food you've prepared, no one will think that they are missing out. Go on, cook up a storm!

This year, we've started our own tradition. Usually we overspend on food, on presents, on decorations that last just one day. That abundance will be going to a better cause this year. Our Rainbow House. It's a local charity that fundraises for an school for orphans and kids in need in Africa.  Positions on the committee are voluntary, the money's raised go directly to fund the school, not eaten away by administrative costs. $500 will be heading their way this year courtesy of our family. 

I've had people tell me, how lucky we are that we can afford to do this... We're no luckier than anyone else, we've just become much more aware of our excesses. And want to put that excess to a better use. It's probably a selfish purpose as well, no extra lollies or chocolates, calorie filled soft drinks etc will benefit us all and by Boxing Day we'll bounce outta bed ready for exercise at 5am as usual. 

This festive season, I'd love for you to start your own family tradition. That involves more than eating and drinking to explosion point. One that fits with your family and your lifestyle. One that makes your family feel good about each other, and that will bring them together as a family unit. 

This year, when we sit for Xmas lunch, each member will have the opportunity to tell all about their highlights of the year, what they were most proud of, and how much we mean to each other.. Along with giving thanks for our health, good luck and a wish for continued happiness. 

May your lead up to the festive season be wise, and fun, and dream filled... And healthy. 


Friday, 18 October 2013

A 12 week update

Well, Monday will be 12 weeks.

Originally it seemed I would never get to this point, and now I look back and can't quite believe where the time has gone.

As you may know,I got a serious stitch abcess soon after the surgery and it has taken until now to heal. It has meant daily dressings, umpteen visits to the surgeon and surgery nurse to get it right. Even now, the scar is still indented a little, so it will be a few more days till it is classified as completely healed.

Because I has so much spare skin, the original surgery took as much as it could, but the top half of my tummy has healed quite loose, and with a continuation of the newly created belly button. I now have a belly button crease that is 6 inches long! It's not an attractive sight. There was always the possibility of having to go back into surgery to revisit, in case there was just so much skin to deal with.. That surgery has been scheduled for 20 Jan 2014.

Dr will go back in and remove the spare skin from above the navel, and tighten the skin to match the bottom half of my new tummy.

Liposuction that took place on the tops of my thighs is slowly loosing the fluid buildup, although they are still the same size as they were prior to Liposuction - I asked the Dr about that, he said that is normal with an operation of this size, it can take 12 months to complete subside. I guess it looks worse to me, due to the smaller size of my hips, it all looks a little disproportionate at the moment. 

Scar is healing okay. I rub Bio Oil or Paw Paw ointment into the scar each evening, and try to massage away the buildup of scar tissue from underneath. It seems to be working. The scar is flatter than I thought it would be, which is good, and will heal quite well in time. The positioning of it, could mean that I would be able to wear two piece bathers without it being too noticeable. I'm not sure that will still be the case after the next surgery, but I did tell the surgeon, I wasn't worried so much about the positioning of the scar, just the fact that the loose skin was gone and I was now the owner of a flat stomach!

Because of where the scar lays, it does get irritated from tight hip style jeans, or elastic from my knickers at times. I wore a compression suit 24/7 up until recently, and there are still times where I feel better with one on. But 6 out of 7 days I just wear normal underwear. Thank goodness because its damn hot up here now. If I wear anything that's fitted I usually wear a suit as I'm a little self conscious about the loose skin around my middle. 

My waist is  thinner, and my hips are about 13 cm smaller. My thighs are the same, and my midriff is only minimally smaller but hopefully that will be corrected within the next surgery. I did measure again this morning and was surprised that more cms have gone in the last fortnight, so I'm thinking the Dr is right about it taking up to 6 months to settle.  I had wondered why my pants are falling down when I run now. :)

I have not gone back to full gym work again yet. I am walking each day, started jogging this past week, and making good progress on that each day. It does hurt to jog too far, so i walk a minute, jog a minute, and that seems bearable. I have been able to take 6 minutes off my times since i started, I'm really happy with that. i also ride a bike as often as I can, usually about 30 kilometres a week. I know that's not a huge achievement, but with the hole I've had in my back for months, I haven't wanted to do a great deal of stretching exercise. I visited a physio for a return to gym program, and that was helpful to start. 

Hugo has been my godsend. He has dressed the wound every day, and phoned each day when away at work, to ensure it was done properly. Neither of us realised the level of commitment prior to surgery, and someone without great support may not have the same success. It's been a constant battle to keep clean and moist to allow for maximum healing. 

I've been asked if it was all worth it. Without question, even accounting for the abcess, the constant dressings, the pain and the itching, it would be a yes. I feel pretty damn good. I have no overhang, or muffin tops or red sweat rashes anymore. I really wish I had done it sooner. Or became a lot more health focused sooner, so it never got to this point. 

I would do it again in a heartbeat. 

Thursday, 17 October 2013

As women, we have the power!

Today's post was written after overhearing two women in the supermarket, talking about only feeding their children chicken nuggets from Macca's. 

Before you read this,  pull up your big girl knickers, smooth out your thick skin, and prepare to be offended.

As women we have the power-Yes we do. 

We, as mothers, or as partners, have the ability to solve our food obesity problems now. Right here in our own homes. In our kitchens, with our own hands.

It is a well documented fact, that each generation's weight is increasing, and our obesity related health issues are increasing at an alarming rate.

We, as women, have the ability to change this. We can educate our children not to eat crap, to be fit and healthy and active right from day dot. We can stop buying them every computer game, video, iPad that they want, and make them go outside. Bounce on the tramp, climb a tree, fall down it and not break a bone because their bodies and bones are strong and healthy from eating good food. 

I actually know many women who cook two separate meals each day for their families. Low fat, healthy options for her, and full fat, preservative laden crap for the family. WTF? Because they don't like salad?Because they have to eat a kilo of steak a night because they go to the gym?? Because they only eat chicken nuggets from Macca's??? Because they are spoilt rotten?? 

We, as mothers have the responsibility of raising healthy, active kids. Kids that know how to cook healthy food, that know how to shop responsibly, and that enjoy daily exercise. So that when they leave home, they can raise healthy kids of their own. 
We must make a change. We must be the people in our families lives that stand up, and make the difference. Now. Buy better food, throw out the crap, google paleo or clean foods, bake, prepare, cook up a storm, and nurture your babies as nature intended.

Don't give me that bullshit about 'my Jonnie doesn't eat vegetables'?? When did a 4 year old get to make choices like that? Unless they have an allergy to certain types of natural food, they should be eating it. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, dandelion leaves disguised as rocket. Yes, all of the things they hate and that are healthy. All of it and often.

You are the parent, you have the knowledge, the power and the responsibility to feed and raise those children in a healthy fashion. How will you feel in 20 years time when your children are racked with disease caused by poor eating habits? Happy, that you relented and gave in to an emotional 3 year old who has taken a dislike to anything that isn't served with a toy on the side? Or, a little emotionally depleted because you know, you let them down?

I am not about to burst forth with a long lengthy lecture about eating habits, because as women, we all bloody know what we should eat, what's good for us, most of us just choose to eat shit. We have had it jammed down our throats since childhood. WE KNOW. It is whether or not, we do as we know, that is questionable. Yes, We make our own choices, but stop making the same bad choices for the kids as well. Those kids deserve better.

Stop taking the easy way out and buying pre packaged food. Start asking the little angels who are laying on the lounge on Facebook, to assist with dinner preparation. Start including the kids in exercise. Make Sunday lunch a picnic outside. Plant a vege garden. Stop poisoning our kids with preservatives and crap. Stop giving in for peace sake. Start doing your job as a parent, as a mother, and as a person with long term plans on seeing your grand kids be healthy. Why is it okay to eat properly and exercise, but fill your kid up with rubbish? Should that be child abuse? Can you tell I'm really annoyed at the stupidity of those women? 

Educate, not medicate.  It's your responsibility. Start now!

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Remove the Temptation

Okay, so you all know, after yesterday's post, that I have minimal willpower when it comes to champagne. Oh the bloody temptation of races and champers, hats and high heels... Gets me every time. :(

But, today, I need you to think about the temptations that you put in your own lives. Bowl of lollies on the office desk? chips and crap for the kids lunches? Coffee and cake with the girls every Thursday morning? 

Old habits are hard to break, i know. By all means, continue to have the social interactions of a catch up with your friends, but do it while taking a walk, going for a swim, playing netball, painting some furniture. Anything that doesn't involve food or alcohol. 

Back in the day, I used to have drinks every afternoon. I lived on a main thoroughfare of town, and my verandah became a drop in point to sit and relax and watch the passing traffic late of an afternoon. It was a great spot and many a laugh was had on that verandah. It became a ritual, 5.30 pm drinks and nibblies every afternoon, as a way to unwind. 

Over time, the nibblies became more elaborate, went from a packet of BBQ Shapes, to Camembert and Water Crackers, to cream laden dips and bruschetta. Over time, my weight ballooned to over 137 kilos. Something had to give. I had decided i was serious about getting the weight off, so I just stopped buying dip and bickies and supplying wine and alcohol to anyone who dropped in. I offered green tea or soda water instead. 

Alternatively, I used that hour and a half each day to walk around the perimeter of town. Effectively, all I did was I removed my temptation. Realistically, i also saved a lot of money. I replaced that habit with a new one, a much healthier choice. After a while I got braver, and joined the gym. Another new habit was formed, and I felt better than I ever did drinking champers on a daily basis. 

The whole point of this post is to ask you to think about your own temptations. To consider your goals seriously, and work out what temptations you are willing to go without to reach your goal.

Is that daily Mars Bar really worth the feeling of not meeting your target weight this week? 
Is that glass of wine worth missing your walk for?
Is that pie really going to taste so much better than a decent home made chicken salad?
Is watching 36 hours of TV every week doing anything towards helping you move the lard off your arse?

So, go on, make your life simpler. If you can't totally remove the temptation, for example, its your flat mates chocolate, smiling at you from the bottom shelf of the fridge each day - make it bloody inconvenient instead. . 

Can't resist icecream after dinner? Don't buy any for the home freezer, make yourself walk to the furtherest shop to get it after dinner, every night. In a very short while, you'll decide it's not worth it. 

I do love Turkish delights, so originally, I used to allow myself one a week. But only on a Sunday morning after a weights session. Sunday morning would come around, and I was usually so excited about the training session, I would forget to eat the chocolate. So it would have to sit in my bag for another week.. 

Take the Simple steps to make the path to your goal shorter.

When I first began my journey to wellness, I used a mindset, that I was a personal trainer with just one client ( me ) and I tried to do my best each day by that client. Would the client be happy if each day I took her out for coffee and cake? Would my client be okay with my missing my daily walk or exercise? No. She would be disappointed and feel like I was letting her down. 
Thinking about yourself as a client, puts a new perspective on the whole deal, you will find that you will think twice about eating that take away, knowing the client would not be happy. You will prepare great healthy food for your client. Because that is what she expects.  It's worth a try, even if it makes you even a tiny little bit more accountable, it will help.

I know that Champagne is my weakness. But, I still love the romance that goes with a beautiful crystal glass of bubbles, it's a fabulous luxury to me. It enhances my dancing skills, makes me feel 25 and instantly makes me look 10 kilos lighter, and makes my personality sparkle. Really!!! I am quite sure it is the Elixir of Youth.. :) And as you now know, I still drink a little of it.  Perhaps 3 times a year, an occasion will present itself that demands a celebration. And yes, the E Town 100 Race Day is one of those occasions. 

The difference is now I drink expensive, best I can afford, champagne. 

Because I usually can only afford one bottle, because it usually has many less preservatives, because it tastes so much better than cheap wine - these are the reasons, I am usually satisifed with just one. But, I also don't keep any at home in the fridge, I buy it when I am in Rockvegas and keep in the cupboard. Because its not cold, because its not in the fridge door yelling "drink me, i will make you a 25 year old goddess with dancing skills unrivalled" - its now not a temptation anymore. 

Happily, my dancing prowess will now stay hidden till New Year. Oh and Sorry Hugo, for stepping on your toes so often on Saturday evening, I think it was the uneven turf..

So, now is the time, to get off the computer, go to the fridge, the pantry, the bedside table, where ever your stash is, and  get rid of your temptations, and start doing the very best you can for your own personal training client. 

You. :) 

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Missing in action... Much

Well, here I am back after almost a fortnight.. Where has that time gone?

In that time, I've been walking, riding, painting, moving furniture, spring cleaning the house, recovering the lounge, making cushions,building vege gardens, planting more seedlings, putting in new sprinkler systems, buying a new sander and sanding every timber furniture piece in the house... So yeah, sorry I have been missing but I've also been in action! 

Exercise comes in all kinds and having a huge house clean out, clean up, and make over is fantastic exercise. I've lifted lounges, I've carried chairs up and down stairs, moved beds and painted bookcases. My house looks great, And I feel great. Tired, but great.. Well, at least I was, until Sunday morning.

Sunday morning rolled around this week, and found me very hungover after another huge day on the champagne at the local E Town 100 Race Day. E Town 100 is the biggest social event of the whole year, and 'anyone who is anyone' attends. I absolutely love it. We dress up to the nines, every piece of the outfit has to be carefully selected to ensure it matches to perfection. Even Hugo is forced into wearing a matching shirt, hat and tie. We were looking gorgeous! As soon as we walked in the gate, two people took our photo, it has been a very long time since I felt so confident. 

After finally making it over my surgery, I really felt like it was my big 'coming out'. The first time i had really been out in public, dressed up. I had chosen my outfit weeks ago, making sure that every detail had been followed. I had a fascinator, with matching bag, shoes, jewellery, nails.... The whole she-bang.. I did have every intention of entering Fashions on the Field this year, but lost confidence when saw that it would be with every gorgeous girl over the age of 18...I thought there would have been an older section.  Hmmm, maybe next year, it is still on my Bucket List.. Look out 2014!

So, I had a champers or 12 instead, and enjoyed the company and the excitement without the stress of having to worry about keeping up appearances. It was 38 degrees, the champagne was cold and the sun was hot. We choose a couple of winning horses and we laughed a lot. Recipe for disaster...

Now, every local will know, that if you don't wake up hungover after E Town 100, you didn't try hard enough, so I guess it's safe to say I tried hard, damn hard. I was queasy, tired, cranky and craving fast, fat laden food. I had skin off my knee, my elbow, my forehead, and bruises on my arm. It took me 2 hours to find my 'specially created to match my outfit' purse, which of course was in a pot plant downstairs.. Yep, it was a very big night. But I had both shoes, money left in my purse and all my clothes... So I was better off than some other people. Lol. 

Hugo couldn't believe it when I asked for a Macca's run at 11 am, and even more so when I stuck my hand up for another go at about 3pm when the kids all surfaced... I have a theory that when your body is trying to metabolise alcohol sugars, the liver needs fat to move it along and out of our system, which is why we all seem to crave fat when hungover, or after drinking... Late night kebabs sound familiar to anyone?

So, as the sun set on yet another E Town 100, I learned, that drinking alcohol in copious amounts makes the body crave shit food, makes exercising on Sunday very difficult, and makes the skin on my knees fall off. .. Who knew?

What I learned from this exercise was simple. Drinking poison will make your body react. Badly. It's like putting diesel in a petrol engine. It's not ever gonna be good. 

I could also lecture you all about how it's never gonna happen again, but as I've said in the past... Some times life just gets in the way- Christmas is coming and my best friend gets married in February..It will definitely be a Moët occasion!

Hopefully the skin in my knees will have grown back by then.