Friday, 29 August 2014


What if our weight issues are directly related to our attitude towards ourselves?

What if the extra fat we carry around is actually just stored emotions?

What if they only thing we had to do to be thin and fit and healthy, was to be kind to ourselves? Honour, nourish and encourage ourselves like we would a small child?

Would you have to change your current self talk to lose weight? Would you need to be gentler on yourself? Why is it that the only person that you can rely on 100% for the whole of your life is often the most crtitical? Why do you do that to yourself?

What would it feel like to be your own personal cheerleader? To focus on the positive things about you rather than the negative? To lie in bed every night and give yourself credit for three things that you achieved for the day? 

I want you to try it for a week, be gentle, be kind and be supportive to yourself. Thank those thighs for giving you the strength to walk to the coffee machine. Thank that glute muscle for the support holding up your knickers, your tuck shop lady arms for letting you cuddle your children or your wrinkles for growing from years of laughter. 

Appreciate what you are. Adore what you are. Love what you are. 

Humans are funny creatures, and for some reason we will place value in things that others do as well. Think for example, A sought after restaurant that is always booked out, glistening diamonds, name brand clothing. And we will pay more for this perceived value. We think a Mercedes is better than a Commodore. Because it's dearer and more sought after, more valued.

Who values you if you aren't prepared to value yourself? 

Your lesson for today is, stop bullshitting yourself, stop wallowing and moaning about negativity; and start looking at yourself through your kids eyes. Start being the person they think you are, beautiful, competent, compassionate, loving. Think of all of the qualities you wish to portray as a mother, a sister, an aunt, and do that. Fake it till you make it, if need be. 

Thin and healthy, successful and wealthy, happy, loved, kind. What else would you add to your list?

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Apologies...I'm human.

I get busy. 
I lose track of time.
I spend my day being distracted by other things.
I have visitors, and a wedding and another wedding tomorrow and I am planning an overseas trip..
 I'm delivering workshops and I'm coaching others to take responsibility, to lose weight and to get healthy.
So, sometimes I miss the opportunity to blog.. I wish I didn't, because it's my release, but sometimes life gets in the way. I guess I can get bent out of shape about it, or I can go with the flow for a week or two.
The weddings will be over soon, my house will be empty soon, and my trip will come and go even if I haven't had a chance to plan every minute of it before I leave.. 
That's life. 
The best made plans often go astray, but so long as you keep your eye on the main objective, you'll be okay. There is only a certain amount of hours in the day, and you can only do what you can do in that given time.
 But have you ever stopped to think how you do spend your time? How many hours watching TV, on the net, on Facebook, reading a book? Are you also one of those people who can never find the time to exercise because they are too busy?
This week, I would like you to write down what you do with your "down time", the time between working and cooking, cleaning etc..  Then ask yourself if you really are too busy for exercise. Or is there time that you could spend more wisely? 
It's your life and you can choose what you do with it, but don't wish your time away, whilst watching TV and complaining about being unwell. 
Your life. Your choice. Your responsibility.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

6 days to Go!

Where has this last month gone? 

It's disappeared in a flurry of gym visits, dress fittings, hair dressing appointments and trips to Brisbane. 

It's almost here.The Wedding. Oh my bloody god. 

I've spent the last 34 days at the gym, lifting weights, running, rowing and riding. But I'm still the same person externally....

I've spent the last 34 days worrying about how I'll fit in my dress, whether my speech will sound okay, whether all the family will turn up.... But the wedding will go on regardless. There will be love and laughter, friends and family. Together in one place to enjoy the union of two beautiful people, to wish them well and celebrate their decision to spend the rest of their lives together. 

It'll be fun, the weather will be perfect, the venue will be amazing, everyone will be smiling, my mascara will have run all down my cheeks, the twins will be sneaking alcohol shots thinking I'm not looking,  And my arms will finally fit into the perfect dress. 

In 5 years time, I'm hoping I will look back at the photos and marvel at how much further I will have come. The wedding photos will be a vision of just one moment in time, another point in my journey to wellness. I may not be my "perfect" size yet, but I couldn't be prouder of the effort I've put in to get to this point.

As they say, I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.. And, after much soul searching, I am now okay with that. I may look very similiar to what I did a month ago, but I can assure you, I am far from being the same person.