Thursday, 5 December 2013

I have an addiction...

Hello my name is Wendy. 

And I have an addiction. Or ten.

I am addicted to notebooks and to pens that write smoothly. I find notebooks all over the house, in every room I use,with snippets of info I have read, or ideas that I have had and will forget if I don't write down. Trouble is, I then can't remember where I put the book.

I am addicted to medjool dates, which until this year I had never eaten in my life.

I am addicted to laughing, and to bargain shopping. 

I have also now realised I am addicted to exercise class. 

Yesterday, for a number of reasons, I didn't schedule class into my morning. I work from home most days, and can usually please myself about how I schedule my day when Hugo is away, but Wednesday I volunteer my services at the local PCYC. Hugo will be home from work next Monday, so I need to have everything I had planned ( in a notebook ) completed prior to his return. Hence, the haste. I am a very hard task master... And I plan to achieve so much in the time he is away, so I can spend my down time with him when he is home.

I got dressed into my "going to the office" clothes, and off I went. Ready to spend the morning reviewing compliance and then head home to tackle my list of things to do. I had a plan, and I was sticking to it. 

I arrived at PCYC just as class was starting, and I was a little disappointed that I couldn't join in. The usual suspects were all there, happy and ready to tackle Kylie's class. i copped some good natured ribbing about being a scaredy cat in not attending. 

Then I discovered that my PCYC work partner was actually away, so I had free reign over my hours instead. I then was faced with a choice, head saying get home and get your jobs done, heart saying, get home, get some gym clothes on, and join in...I knew my every growing list was waiting, so I let my head win out and came home to tackle the office work. 

I really was flat out, I filed, I emailed, I net searched, I paid bills, I created invoices, for hours.. I got hot and cranky, and annoyed at every interruption. I was out of sorts all day. 

At 5.30pm I had had enough and decided to go to an evening exercise class. I lifted weights and did circuit training twice. I squatted and stretched and planked. I hurt. A lot. 

But, I came out of that class rejuvenated. I felt sore, but exhilarated. I realised that missing class yesterday morning was the reason I was out of sorts. I needed the exercise. My body was not looking for passive movement such as office work yesterday, she was looking for running, for lifting, for sweating.

I guess it is true about what you do often becomes a habit. Just like one glass of wine turns to two and three.. I now don't crave chocolate and lollies, and if I have a bite of the kids treats, it doesn't have that YUM factor that it used to. And if I'm really honest, I don't enjoy those things much at all. I now know bread makes me very unwell, even just one slice of toast will give me a reaction strong enough to put me in bed for hours. 

My body has become addicted ( or very much attached to) exercise. Who would have ever thought? 

Ten years ago, if you had of told me that I would be a 50 year old fit, healthy woman that didn't drink and ate dates instead of chocolate.. I would have laughed. Not because it wasn't what I really wanted to be, but because it was soooo far from the realms of possibility, it seemed just incredulous. Add in the fact that I now write a blog and spend hours helping other women achieve their goals, and I would have been looking for a straight jacket for you! 

Yep, 50. Fit. Happy. Healthy. On the verge of a new beginning as a Life And Wellness Coach. And yes, I'm still pinching myself. 

Recently I got told that a women I used to know, a beautiful, tall, self confident, resilient woman just wants to be like me. WTF? SHE Wants to be like me? Wow. It was flattery at its very highest. This gorgeous, vivacious woman strives to do as I do? 

I have come a very long way...

Friday, 29 November 2013

Who am I?

Some one asked me today "who are you and what do you believe in"? 

Easy enough question I guess.. But I couldn't use the old standards, oh I am a mine site safety, training and compliance officer, with a beautiful partner, and 10 healthy kids between us.. I had to talk about me. 

Not what I did, or who my kids were, or how fabulous Hugo is. Me. Who am I? 

After a few minutes, I worked out I had no damn idea. When you take what I do, who I know, where I volunteer, and who I gave birth to, out of the equation... It was a very hard question upon which to ponder.

And so I begin.... 

I am a youthful 50 year old woman, who loves to travel, to experience new worlds and new cultures. I love to read. I read travel books, and murder mysteries. 

I have laugh lines, lots of them. They create part of my character. I'm told I have a twinkle in my eye, but I think that's just my mischief meter..

I am five foot five of enthusiasm, of ideas, of random thoughts. I've no intention of slowing down, of retiring, of settling in to watch the paint dry on the walls of an over 50's village! I plan to be active, to be  constantly changing my views, challenging my mindset to push the boundaries, learning things about other cultures, other worlds, other lives. 

I enjoy restoring old furniture. I am a homebody these days, and guard my down time closely. My home is my sanctuary, and i have come to really appreciate the time I spend here. I like things to be tidy, neat, orderly. When the house is tidy, I feel like my mind is tidy.

I love meeting new people, introducing them to town, welcoming them to my part of the world. This special place I call home at the moment. The beautiful Emerald City. 

I also I love to work out, I love being able to feel those muscles telling me that "hey, you've not used us for a while, thanks for the workout". I love the camaraderie we have in gym class, and how encouraged and alive those girls make me feel. I am healthy, I am fit, and I am inspired to do more, to be more. 

I am a list writer, a planner, a goal setter, and a perfectionist. I'm a lifelong learner. I like to experience new things, and some of them I write about.

I feel that my heart is at peace now, for the first time in a very long time, I feel centred, settled. Happy. In love. Smitten. 

I have plans on becoming a life coach, and volunteering more of my time to read books to patients at the aged care home. I want to volunteer at the Visitors Information Centre.

I love helping people, making a difference in someone's day. Making people smile. Making overweight people overcome the struggle, overcome that need to spend  money to get healthy. Understand their worth. 

I'm enrolling in Uni when I'm 90.

 I want to gather up a photo of my kids, Hugo and a change of clothes and spend a year or two wandering about in the world.

I believe the world really is a magical place, and we can make a difference. Each and every one of us. 

I believe in love, and that one special someone that everyone has waiting for them. I waited 48 years for Mr Right and all that while I didn't know that all the Mr Wrongs weren't right. Now I do. 

I believe in Santa. I believe in God. I believe that the universe provides us with everything we ask for.

I believe that positive thoughts create positive change. I believe that every word we speak has the power to change everything. Our minds hear everything we say. Be gentle on yourself.

I believe in the innocence of babies and the simplicity of children's thought. I believe we complicate our own lives, why, I'm not real sure. 

I believe in what we focus on, gets bigger. I believe that we should all focus on what we want, not what we don't want.. (Eg, being healthy rather than loosing weight.)

I believe in kindness, and in compassion. I believe in Karma. Big time! 

I believe that sugar is poison, I believe that preservatives are too. I believe in eating natural foods as much as possible, not buying or using any mass produced man made products. I believe that eating healthily shows through the skin.

I believe that my kids are the most handsomely, clever creatures that have ever been created, and they are my my proudest achievement. 

I believe in simplicity. There is much more to life than increasing its speed. Slow down, relax, breathe, enjoy.

And I believe that writing a list of goals and dreams, works. I'm now proof of that.

Other than that, I am a mine site safety, compliance and training officer with a fabulous partner, and ten beautiful healthy kids between us. :)

And you?

Today, I give up.

Thats it. 

 I give up. I'm over trying to loose weight, watch what I eat at every moment, weighing myself religiously. Attempting to loose weight does my head in. So I'm done. Dusted. It's over.

Every day, I wake about 4.30am and most days I go for a run. I come home, strip off for a shower, and weigh. Some days I am down a kilo, somedays I am up 2! When that happens, it just affects my whole day! I find myself getting so down.... And cranky!

2 months ago, I stopped weighing. I took measurements and a photo. I tried one pair of pants and one top on, they just fit. I measured bust, midriff, waist, hips and tops of my thighs. I wrote the measurements in my diary, and stuck in the photo.

My behaviour didn't change. Other than weighing daily, I did nothing different. I ran, I went to gym, I did weights, I rode a bike ( a tiny bit.)

One month later, I measured again. I tried my pants on. I took another photo. I was kinda smaller.

Today, I measured again. I slid my pants on without undoing the zip. I am more than 11cm smaller (total cms). And guess what? I am still around  the same weight as I was 60 days ago. 

And you know something? I don't care! 

I am leaner, fitter, stronger and so pleased that I don't spend all day worrying about what I'm gonna eat next. 

I have taken the focus away from what I eat, and placed it on getting healthy. And I couldn't be happier. I feel better, I look better, apparently, according a new gym buddy.. " I radiate happiness", all this time I thought that was sweat I was radiating. 

I eat when I want, and whatever I feel like. My body now craves fresh fruit salad with Greek yoghurt, instead of toast. It craves green tea most of the day,instead of strong black coffee. My fridge is full of good healthy food. 

But, I've learned to listen, to be thankful and honour this physical body that carts around my soul. I now nourish it. Feed it good food, and exercise it. 
I want it to be around a long time, and to be honest, I've given it a very hard time for a very long time. It's time now, to look after it. Care for it, like I would a classic car.. Use the right fuel, a bit of panel beating, and good buff up, and she comes up all right! 

So, that's another tip, stop worrying about "loosing weight" and just get healthy... It's so much easier, less stressful and much more fun.

Friday, 22 November 2013

Emotional eating

I used to be an emotional eater, or so I thought. 

I thought that was way behind me. These days, I am a strong, healthy minded individual in charge of life.. Making healthy choices, exercising, drinking lots of water and just loving life. Till today.

You all know I have 5 kids. You may not know that Hugo also has 5. Thankfully, these kids are grown and some even starting to have families of their own. So they are minimal worry to us. They are on track, relatively happy, and making inroads into their lives. They have focus, a purpose, goals and dreams.

Sometimes those goals don't quite go to plan, and they get hurt. They get let down, misled, and disappointed. They make mistakes, they make bigger mistakes, and sometimes they are just in the wrong place at the wrong time.. A lot. :(  

This is what's happened this week. There is nothing more painful than seeing your children make the wrong choices, and not be able to help. It's a learning curve that they must travel themselves in order to learn the lesson from it, but it hurts. As a mother, it breaks my heart to see, to feel their disappointment, their pain and their confusion at how they ended up where they are. 

Thankfully it doesn't happen often, but when it does, I can't sleep. I can't focus, I can't relax. I eat shit. Immediately. It's like the very moment the adrenaline in my body is called to act, it wakes up and says.. "Mate, can't help you till you throw some chocolate flavoured fat in your face". It springs into action craving crap. I worry, I pace, I wring my hands together, I eat anything that has a high fat content. I want chocolate and I want salt. NOW!

Because Hugo and I ordinarily lead such a stress free lifestyle, this really came as a shock to me today. I have not had these feelings in such a long time, it was really hard to resist. I tried diversionary tactics. I went to exercise class as planned, even though my brain was wanting to rip the pantry apart looking for chocolate chips.

I went for a walk, I drank lots of water, I fed and watered the neighbours dog, I cleaned out the linen press. I drank more water, I watered the plants. It was really hard work trying to divert my emotions to something else. And all day I was cross at myself for being like this. I am usually so together, so strong willed, and single minded. Today, I struggled. Heaps.

I remember when Chuck got diagnosed with his brain tumour, I walked out of the surgeons office and to the service station over the road, I bought a king size cherry ripe.. And almost inhaled it. What's real weird is, cherry ripes are not even my vice of choice, so I don't know where that even came from. But, at the time, I gave in, and started making logistical plans of how I, a single mum of 5, was going to manage a child in dire need of emergency surgery in Brisbane. The Cherry Ripe must have given me some kind of super power, because we survived the surgery,the living away from the other kids and the aftermath that ensued.

Today I didn't give in. I ate nuts, peanut butter, even had a small half teaspoon of butter, but I did not eat chocolate. I did not eat Maccas, or KFC, or Gloria Jeans. I drank soda water, I drank water, I drank green tea, I drank black coffee. But I did not eat chocolate. And although none of this will take away my pain and worry at watching a teenager struggle with the real world, it makes me kinda a teeny bit proud of myself inside. I stood strong. I may have cried, and wasting the majority of a working day, but I didn't, for once in my life, eat shit.

And I'm pretty pleased about that.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Nike Ads

Some days I feel like a walking Nike Ad.

Not because I resemble a super tall African American basketball player, lol, far from it. It's because I subscribe to their belief. Their under pinning attitude to life. Yep, those Nike advertising executives have me convinced. 

Just do it.

Just put down the remote, get off the coach, pop on your runners and sports bra, and do it. Now.

Yeah, I know we have all been there, been at that point where our intentions to exercise outweigh the reality. I've brought the exercise machine inside in the past only to end up using it to hang ironing on. I've got a new bike and parked it in the shed after a week. We've all done it. But what we have to change is the fact, if we want to be fit, and healthy, we have to just do it.

Just get up every morning in our gym clothes, and run, or go to exercise class, ride a bike, ride a horse, ride a bloody unicycle.. Whatever your chosen activity, just do it. Regularly.

To get healthy, you gotta sweat. You gotta get hot, and uncomfortable. Deal with it. As I've said before, better sweat running down your back in exercise class, than down your thighs whilst shopping. Make a goal, write your plan, and just do it. Every day. Schedule it, like you would a dr appointment. Make it a priority. Then just get it done.

Following from yesterday's post - here is a sample of my day yesterday,

Breakfast- black coffee and hot banana. You must try this, it's delicious and so easy. Chop a banana into chunks, cook in a small amount of coconut oil, and sprinkle with cinnamon whilst cooking. Cook for a minute or two, top with a small amount of Greek yoghurt, sprinkle with coconut flakes and cinnamon... Yummo!

Boxercise class at 9 am for an hour. Was a great class run at the PCYC by Kylie. She does a great job.

Morning tea/ lunch was an apple and a handful of nuts. Not for any other reason than, I was on my way to work. If you have time to make a salad for lunch, do so. No need to eat 'on the go food' if you've time to prepare better.

Afternoon tea: medjool dates.. Yummmmmmmm.. That's all I can say about those.

Circuit class at 5.30pm. It's designed for the over 50's, but it was a great workout for the evening. 

Dinner was a chicken breast cut into chunks and cooked in some Moroccan spices. Rustled up a simple salad, plonked the cooked chicken on the top and done. Easy, delicious.
I don't usually eat so much chicken, night after night, but I had defrosted a large tray, forgetting it was just Cate and I at home this week.. I'm pretty sure we will start sprouting feathers sometime soon.

Loosing weight, getting healthy is easy, once you get your head into the game. Today I feel great. No bloating, no itching, no fluid retention and best of all no hot flushes. There is nothing hard in this. It's a simple process. It takes the hard work out of it. No points counting, no payment plans, no trying to plan your life around the ability to heat up prepackaged meals. Easy.....

Think about what you have to loose here, and all the things you have to gain- and just get it happening. Now.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Trips, formals, graduations, Schoolies......

Three weeks have gone by since I last posted! Where on earth have I been for that long? Sorry, I've been missing in action, again..

Spent ten days zipping around Victoria, for work and catching up with some long lost friends.. Spent last week preparing for Chucks graduation week, attending the formal, Pre dinner drinks here with the parents and lastly the graduation ceremony on Friday. 

Amongst that time, we gardened, we cleaned, transformed the area behind the shed, we tidied inside, all so the kids could take photos here before the formal. I was really proud of the yard, the light rain we had worked wonders, and the gardens looked lovely. We prepared platters of paleo, natural food to share, and chilled the bottle of champagne I had been keeping for a special occasion. It was a really festive week. 

We finished by preparing for Schoolies on the Gold Coast, giving last minute instructions.. Text me daily so I know you're alive, do not get on the news, in the paper,on the 7pm project or involved with police. Be ready early for the trip home. All good survival tips for a teenager. 

I feel like this week has been the first time I have been able to stop and think for a month. It's like, okay that's done, exhale. Take a big breath before the Xmas rush starts. 

It's been great being able to get back into morning jogs, mid morning gym class at PCYC. The lifestyle I lead at the moment makes it difficult to get into a definite rhythm, so I have to make the most of the time I get. Cate has been coming as well, it's her exam block, so the early morning exercise does wonders for waking up the brain and preparing it for the day ahead.

I get asked so many times about what I eat, how I eat, how much do I eat. Sometimes it just does my head in, telling people over and over. It is not hard. Stop over thinking it. It is simple. Move more than you eat. Don't buy processed food. And SYM MYA, of course.

There's no shakes, no Pre, Post, During workout shakes or supplements. There's no special time to eat, there's no limit to how much healthy food you can eat. Just buy good healthy natural food. Eat when you're hungry. 

Is it because its too simple, or because its too hard? Too hard because you've no one to blame but yourself if it doesn't work. Is it because you have to take responsibility for your health rather than saying " oh those tablets disagreed with me"? 
It's easy. You just have to decide you actually want to do it. Do you really want to be healthy? Or is being over weight, out of condition, and unhealthy suit your lifestyle at the moment? 

If you're at the turning point, start today. Don't put it off till Monday, till New Years Day, till 2019.. Start today, it's the perfect time.

Step one - Clean out your pantry cupboard, throw away all the food that's processed. I do keep canned tomatoes, spices, tins of salmon and tuna. But everything else, chuck it. Put it in a bag and donate to the homeless Christmas appeal. 

Step two - go shopping. Buy fruit, salad, veges, meat, fish, chicken, Greek yoghurt, coconut oil, dates etc.

Step three - google paleo cooking, clean eating, cooking with natural food... Whip up a storm!

Eating like this is a lifestyle change, the whole family will benefit. There's no need to have to cook different meals for each person in the house. Life was meant to be simple. Relaxed. Easy. 

Food is your medicine, listen to your body, and eat what it's craving. Sweet? Have a banana or some dates. Savoury? Have a lightly curried egg. Salty? A small handful of cashews. As requested, I'm going to post my daily foods here, to give you guys an indication of how easy being healthy is..

Yesterday- 4 km jog at 6am
breakfast- two eggs whisked together, dash of milk, and the remainder of last nights salad. It had mushrooms, sundried tomatoes, olives,pear, lettuce. Cooked like scrambled eggs, but you could cook then grill the top, and make a yummy omelette. Black coffee - which is the way I drink coffee, not because I'm depriving myself of milk. If you have milk, throw a splash in the top. Ease up on the cappuccino though.

Morning tea at about 11-30. Banana

Missed lunch because I was busy, and my body didn't ask for food.

Afternoon tea about 3-30pm- handful of mixed nuts ( no peanuts ) and a boiled egg

Dinner- chicken breast and salad.

Simple. There is nothing that takes huge amounts of preparation, nothing that is difficult to create, or source the ingredients. 

Exercise class at 6pm for 45 minutes.

I still struggle with drinking enough water, I know when I drink 2 or more litres a day, I loose weight and feel great, so I leave a 2l jug on the bench and pour a glass each time I pass. Visual reminder, works well.

Once again, I'm sorry for being gone so long, I get people messaging asking where I am, what I'm doing, asking if I've lapsed back into eating crap and embarrassed to be here... Nope. I'm still here, just busy. Yes, I've eaten the odd chip or two when I was away, and I may have snuck in a Canadian club or cider as well, but like I say, life goes on. So long as it isn't the norm, it's fine.

.. I must make this a priority in 2014, thinking of creating a you tube channel with cooking tips... Lol, it would be like Big Brother making it in my kitchen. Can you imagine? Lol. 

Friday, 25 October 2013

Make a new tradition.

Australia. Land of celebrations, long weekends and plenty of drinking and party foods.

None of this dancing round a maypole, for we Aussies. No Haka or celebratory singing at special occasions for us! Nope! We have two traditions here. We eat excessively and drink excessively in celebration of all. 
Aussies are a nation with very few national customs. We drink to celebrate the birth, the christening, the wedding, the birthdays of anyone in our community. Someone dies in a small town, and the fridge fills up with food and the wake begins. 

Birthday? Lets drink till we fall over, and shave off an eyebrow. Christmas is composed of how many beers and prawns we can fit in before the obligatory afternoon sleep on the lounge. Easter? Don't get me started on Easter.. There is more chocolate  in this house at Easter time than in the Cadbury factory in Tassie. We have a beautiful Easter tree resplendent with its choc eggs and rabbits hanging decoratively, each year. 

I've lived for many years in Qld mining towns (man-land) - and looking back, almost all of our successful community fundraising activities surround alcohol also.  The Church fete every year had the biggest bar in history, the local high school's main fundraiser is Oktoberfest Complete with all the hi jinks that goes along with that. Hospital fete was a ripper, aside from that year I nearly fell off he stage playing the tambourine. Band, BBQ, and beer. Heaps of it.

The local Footy club has a bar, and many people spend more time inside the bar than watching the game. Wine and cheese night for the Xmas craft fair. The list just grows in line with our waist lines. It all surrounds food and wine and drinking and weight gain. 

 The more I think about it, the unhealthy we appear as a nation. I read yesterday that 6 in every 10 Aussies are obese - that's even higher odds than the survey of airport customers that I undertook earlier this year. More than half our population are obese, not just overweight OBESE. ( that's really bloody fat, for those of you who may not know..)

Lets,  this year, decide not to play? 
Lets Decide to cook healthy, paleo, natural foods for Xmas day, (predominantly - okay?  I can hear you Pav lovers squealing...) and offer nutritious alternatives. Make non alcoholic punch instead of champagne for breakfast. Instead of store bought preservative laded dip and biscuits, do vege crudités and homemade beetroot or carrot dip. Meat for lunch, veges or salad. Desserts made from clean, fresh ingredients. Low alcohol or no alcohol drinks. Freshly squeezed juice and banana pancakes for breakfast. So many fresh ideas that involve healthy eating, 
I could go on for hours. Google clean Christmas foods if you need inspiration. Don't tell anyone, I can guarantee that no one will notice the difference. They will all be so impressed with the diversity and the great tasting food you've prepared, no one will think that they are missing out. Go on, cook up a storm!

This year, we've started our own tradition. Usually we overspend on food, on presents, on decorations that last just one day. That abundance will be going to a better cause this year. Our Rainbow House. It's a local charity that fundraises for an school for orphans and kids in need in Africa.  Positions on the committee are voluntary, the money's raised go directly to fund the school, not eaten away by administrative costs. $500 will be heading their way this year courtesy of our family. 

I've had people tell me, how lucky we are that we can afford to do this... We're no luckier than anyone else, we've just become much more aware of our excesses. And want to put that excess to a better use. It's probably a selfish purpose as well, no extra lollies or chocolates, calorie filled soft drinks etc will benefit us all and by Boxing Day we'll bounce outta bed ready for exercise at 5am as usual. 

This festive season, I'd love for you to start your own family tradition. That involves more than eating and drinking to explosion point. One that fits with your family and your lifestyle. One that makes your family feel good about each other, and that will bring them together as a family unit. 

This year, when we sit for Xmas lunch, each member will have the opportunity to tell all about their highlights of the year, what they were most proud of, and how much we mean to each other.. Along with giving thanks for our health, good luck and a wish for continued happiness. 

May your lead up to the festive season be wise, and fun, and dream filled... And healthy. 


Friday, 18 October 2013

A 12 week update

Well, Monday will be 12 weeks.

Originally it seemed I would never get to this point, and now I look back and can't quite believe where the time has gone.

As you may know,I got a serious stitch abcess soon after the surgery and it has taken until now to heal. It has meant daily dressings, umpteen visits to the surgeon and surgery nurse to get it right. Even now, the scar is still indented a little, so it will be a few more days till it is classified as completely healed.

Because I has so much spare skin, the original surgery took as much as it could, but the top half of my tummy has healed quite loose, and with a continuation of the newly created belly button. I now have a belly button crease that is 6 inches long! It's not an attractive sight. There was always the possibility of having to go back into surgery to revisit, in case there was just so much skin to deal with.. That surgery has been scheduled for 20 Jan 2014.

Dr will go back in and remove the spare skin from above the navel, and tighten the skin to match the bottom half of my new tummy.

Liposuction that took place on the tops of my thighs is slowly loosing the fluid buildup, although they are still the same size as they were prior to Liposuction - I asked the Dr about that, he said that is normal with an operation of this size, it can take 12 months to complete subside. I guess it looks worse to me, due to the smaller size of my hips, it all looks a little disproportionate at the moment. 

Scar is healing okay. I rub Bio Oil or Paw Paw ointment into the scar each evening, and try to massage away the buildup of scar tissue from underneath. It seems to be working. The scar is flatter than I thought it would be, which is good, and will heal quite well in time. The positioning of it, could mean that I would be able to wear two piece bathers without it being too noticeable. I'm not sure that will still be the case after the next surgery, but I did tell the surgeon, I wasn't worried so much about the positioning of the scar, just the fact that the loose skin was gone and I was now the owner of a flat stomach!

Because of where the scar lays, it does get irritated from tight hip style jeans, or elastic from my knickers at times. I wore a compression suit 24/7 up until recently, and there are still times where I feel better with one on. But 6 out of 7 days I just wear normal underwear. Thank goodness because its damn hot up here now. If I wear anything that's fitted I usually wear a suit as I'm a little self conscious about the loose skin around my middle. 

My waist is  thinner, and my hips are about 13 cm smaller. My thighs are the same, and my midriff is only minimally smaller but hopefully that will be corrected within the next surgery. I did measure again this morning and was surprised that more cms have gone in the last fortnight, so I'm thinking the Dr is right about it taking up to 6 months to settle.  I had wondered why my pants are falling down when I run now. :)

I have not gone back to full gym work again yet. I am walking each day, started jogging this past week, and making good progress on that each day. It does hurt to jog too far, so i walk a minute, jog a minute, and that seems bearable. I have been able to take 6 minutes off my times since i started, I'm really happy with that. i also ride a bike as often as I can, usually about 30 kilometres a week. I know that's not a huge achievement, but with the hole I've had in my back for months, I haven't wanted to do a great deal of stretching exercise. I visited a physio for a return to gym program, and that was helpful to start. 

Hugo has been my godsend. He has dressed the wound every day, and phoned each day when away at work, to ensure it was done properly. Neither of us realised the level of commitment prior to surgery, and someone without great support may not have the same success. It's been a constant battle to keep clean and moist to allow for maximum healing. 

I've been asked if it was all worth it. Without question, even accounting for the abcess, the constant dressings, the pain and the itching, it would be a yes. I feel pretty damn good. I have no overhang, or muffin tops or red sweat rashes anymore. I really wish I had done it sooner. Or became a lot more health focused sooner, so it never got to this point. 

I would do it again in a heartbeat. 

Thursday, 17 October 2013

As women, we have the power!

Today's post was written after overhearing two women in the supermarket, talking about only feeding their children chicken nuggets from Macca's. 

Before you read this,  pull up your big girl knickers, smooth out your thick skin, and prepare to be offended.

As women we have the power-Yes we do. 

We, as mothers, or as partners, have the ability to solve our food obesity problems now. Right here in our own homes. In our kitchens, with our own hands.

It is a well documented fact, that each generation's weight is increasing, and our obesity related health issues are increasing at an alarming rate.

We, as women, have the ability to change this. We can educate our children not to eat crap, to be fit and healthy and active right from day dot. We can stop buying them every computer game, video, iPad that they want, and make them go outside. Bounce on the tramp, climb a tree, fall down it and not break a bone because their bodies and bones are strong and healthy from eating good food. 

I actually know many women who cook two separate meals each day for their families. Low fat, healthy options for her, and full fat, preservative laden crap for the family. WTF? Because they don't like salad?Because they have to eat a kilo of steak a night because they go to the gym?? Because they only eat chicken nuggets from Macca's??? Because they are spoilt rotten?? 

We, as mothers have the responsibility of raising healthy, active kids. Kids that know how to cook healthy food, that know how to shop responsibly, and that enjoy daily exercise. So that when they leave home, they can raise healthy kids of their own. 
We must make a change. We must be the people in our families lives that stand up, and make the difference. Now. Buy better food, throw out the crap, google paleo or clean foods, bake, prepare, cook up a storm, and nurture your babies as nature intended.

Don't give me that bullshit about 'my Jonnie doesn't eat vegetables'?? When did a 4 year old get to make choices like that? Unless they have an allergy to certain types of natural food, they should be eating it. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, dandelion leaves disguised as rocket. Yes, all of the things they hate and that are healthy. All of it and often.

You are the parent, you have the knowledge, the power and the responsibility to feed and raise those children in a healthy fashion. How will you feel in 20 years time when your children are racked with disease caused by poor eating habits? Happy, that you relented and gave in to an emotional 3 year old who has taken a dislike to anything that isn't served with a toy on the side? Or, a little emotionally depleted because you know, you let them down?

I am not about to burst forth with a long lengthy lecture about eating habits, because as women, we all bloody know what we should eat, what's good for us, most of us just choose to eat shit. We have had it jammed down our throats since childhood. WE KNOW. It is whether or not, we do as we know, that is questionable. Yes, We make our own choices, but stop making the same bad choices for the kids as well. Those kids deserve better.

Stop taking the easy way out and buying pre packaged food. Start asking the little angels who are laying on the lounge on Facebook, to assist with dinner preparation. Start including the kids in exercise. Make Sunday lunch a picnic outside. Plant a vege garden. Stop poisoning our kids with preservatives and crap. Stop giving in for peace sake. Start doing your job as a parent, as a mother, and as a person with long term plans on seeing your grand kids be healthy. Why is it okay to eat properly and exercise, but fill your kid up with rubbish? Should that be child abuse? Can you tell I'm really annoyed at the stupidity of those women? 

Educate, not medicate.  It's your responsibility. Start now!

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Remove the Temptation

Okay, so you all know, after yesterday's post, that I have minimal willpower when it comes to champagne. Oh the bloody temptation of races and champers, hats and high heels... Gets me every time. :(

But, today, I need you to think about the temptations that you put in your own lives. Bowl of lollies on the office desk? chips and crap for the kids lunches? Coffee and cake with the girls every Thursday morning? 

Old habits are hard to break, i know. By all means, continue to have the social interactions of a catch up with your friends, but do it while taking a walk, going for a swim, playing netball, painting some furniture. Anything that doesn't involve food or alcohol. 

Back in the day, I used to have drinks every afternoon. I lived on a main thoroughfare of town, and my verandah became a drop in point to sit and relax and watch the passing traffic late of an afternoon. It was a great spot and many a laugh was had on that verandah. It became a ritual, 5.30 pm drinks and nibblies every afternoon, as a way to unwind. 

Over time, the nibblies became more elaborate, went from a packet of BBQ Shapes, to Camembert and Water Crackers, to cream laden dips and bruschetta. Over time, my weight ballooned to over 137 kilos. Something had to give. I had decided i was serious about getting the weight off, so I just stopped buying dip and bickies and supplying wine and alcohol to anyone who dropped in. I offered green tea or soda water instead. 

Alternatively, I used that hour and a half each day to walk around the perimeter of town. Effectively, all I did was I removed my temptation. Realistically, i also saved a lot of money. I replaced that habit with a new one, a much healthier choice. After a while I got braver, and joined the gym. Another new habit was formed, and I felt better than I ever did drinking champers on a daily basis. 

The whole point of this post is to ask you to think about your own temptations. To consider your goals seriously, and work out what temptations you are willing to go without to reach your goal.

Is that daily Mars Bar really worth the feeling of not meeting your target weight this week? 
Is that glass of wine worth missing your walk for?
Is that pie really going to taste so much better than a decent home made chicken salad?
Is watching 36 hours of TV every week doing anything towards helping you move the lard off your arse?

So, go on, make your life simpler. If you can't totally remove the temptation, for example, its your flat mates chocolate, smiling at you from the bottom shelf of the fridge each day - make it bloody inconvenient instead. . 

Can't resist icecream after dinner? Don't buy any for the home freezer, make yourself walk to the furtherest shop to get it after dinner, every night. In a very short while, you'll decide it's not worth it. 

I do love Turkish delights, so originally, I used to allow myself one a week. But only on a Sunday morning after a weights session. Sunday morning would come around, and I was usually so excited about the training session, I would forget to eat the chocolate. So it would have to sit in my bag for another week.. 

Take the Simple steps to make the path to your goal shorter.

When I first began my journey to wellness, I used a mindset, that I was a personal trainer with just one client ( me ) and I tried to do my best each day by that client. Would the client be happy if each day I took her out for coffee and cake? Would my client be okay with my missing my daily walk or exercise? No. She would be disappointed and feel like I was letting her down. 
Thinking about yourself as a client, puts a new perspective on the whole deal, you will find that you will think twice about eating that take away, knowing the client would not be happy. You will prepare great healthy food for your client. Because that is what she expects.  It's worth a try, even if it makes you even a tiny little bit more accountable, it will help.

I know that Champagne is my weakness. But, I still love the romance that goes with a beautiful crystal glass of bubbles, it's a fabulous luxury to me. It enhances my dancing skills, makes me feel 25 and instantly makes me look 10 kilos lighter, and makes my personality sparkle. Really!!! I am quite sure it is the Elixir of Youth.. :) And as you now know, I still drink a little of it.  Perhaps 3 times a year, an occasion will present itself that demands a celebration. And yes, the E Town 100 Race Day is one of those occasions. 

The difference is now I drink expensive, best I can afford, champagne. 

Because I usually can only afford one bottle, because it usually has many less preservatives, because it tastes so much better than cheap wine - these are the reasons, I am usually satisifed with just one. But, I also don't keep any at home in the fridge, I buy it when I am in Rockvegas and keep in the cupboard. Because its not cold, because its not in the fridge door yelling "drink me, i will make you a 25 year old goddess with dancing skills unrivalled" - its now not a temptation anymore. 

Happily, my dancing prowess will now stay hidden till New Year. Oh and Sorry Hugo, for stepping on your toes so often on Saturday evening, I think it was the uneven turf..

So, now is the time, to get off the computer, go to the fridge, the pantry, the bedside table, where ever your stash is, and  get rid of your temptations, and start doing the very best you can for your own personal training client. 

You. :) 

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Missing in action... Much

Well, here I am back after almost a fortnight.. Where has that time gone?

In that time, I've been walking, riding, painting, moving furniture, spring cleaning the house, recovering the lounge, making cushions,building vege gardens, planting more seedlings, putting in new sprinkler systems, buying a new sander and sanding every timber furniture piece in the house... So yeah, sorry I have been missing but I've also been in action! 

Exercise comes in all kinds and having a huge house clean out, clean up, and make over is fantastic exercise. I've lifted lounges, I've carried chairs up and down stairs, moved beds and painted bookcases. My house looks great, And I feel great. Tired, but great.. Well, at least I was, until Sunday morning.

Sunday morning rolled around this week, and found me very hungover after another huge day on the champagne at the local E Town 100 Race Day. E Town 100 is the biggest social event of the whole year, and 'anyone who is anyone' attends. I absolutely love it. We dress up to the nines, every piece of the outfit has to be carefully selected to ensure it matches to perfection. Even Hugo is forced into wearing a matching shirt, hat and tie. We were looking gorgeous! As soon as we walked in the gate, two people took our photo, it has been a very long time since I felt so confident. 

After finally making it over my surgery, I really felt like it was my big 'coming out'. The first time i had really been out in public, dressed up. I had chosen my outfit weeks ago, making sure that every detail had been followed. I had a fascinator, with matching bag, shoes, jewellery, nails.... The whole she-bang.. I did have every intention of entering Fashions on the Field this year, but lost confidence when saw that it would be with every gorgeous girl over the age of 18...I thought there would have been an older section.  Hmmm, maybe next year, it is still on my Bucket List.. Look out 2014!

So, I had a champers or 12 instead, and enjoyed the company and the excitement without the stress of having to worry about keeping up appearances. It was 38 degrees, the champagne was cold and the sun was hot. We choose a couple of winning horses and we laughed a lot. Recipe for disaster...

Now, every local will know, that if you don't wake up hungover after E Town 100, you didn't try hard enough, so I guess it's safe to say I tried hard, damn hard. I was queasy, tired, cranky and craving fast, fat laden food. I had skin off my knee, my elbow, my forehead, and bruises on my arm. It took me 2 hours to find my 'specially created to match my outfit' purse, which of course was in a pot plant downstairs.. Yep, it was a very big night. But I had both shoes, money left in my purse and all my clothes... So I was better off than some other people. Lol. 

Hugo couldn't believe it when I asked for a Macca's run at 11 am, and even more so when I stuck my hand up for another go at about 3pm when the kids all surfaced... I have a theory that when your body is trying to metabolise alcohol sugars, the liver needs fat to move it along and out of our system, which is why we all seem to crave fat when hungover, or after drinking... Late night kebabs sound familiar to anyone?

So, as the sun set on yet another E Town 100, I learned, that drinking alcohol in copious amounts makes the body crave shit food, makes exercising on Sunday very difficult, and makes the skin on my knees fall off. .. Who knew?

What I learned from this exercise was simple. Drinking poison will make your body react. Badly. It's like putting diesel in a petrol engine. It's not ever gonna be good. 

I could also lecture you all about how it's never gonna happen again, but as I've said in the past... Some times life just gets in the way- Christmas is coming and my best friend gets married in February..It will definitely be a Moët occasion!

Hopefully the skin in my knees will have grown back by then. 

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Sweat it.

Loosing weight means sweat.

Uncomfortable, running down your bum cheeks, sweat. There's no way round it. So you might as well get used to it. 

Once upon a time I was embarrassed to sweat, for anyone to see that I might have had a hair outta place.. Bloody hell I was more than 137 kilos, and I thought hot guys were looking at my hair??? Who was I kidding?

Over the years I have learned to come to terms with it, make friends with it, and actually learn to love it. Because sweat, my friend, makes your fat fall off.. How about that? 

To think all of these advertising companies are trying to tell us that it is protein shakes, or amphetamines, or fat dissolving tablets that makes you thin, and you and I have discovered the secret.
Sweat actually makes your fat dissolve, disappear, get smaller.. Who knew? 

I like to think my fat runs off to walk the St James Way in Spain... But that's just me wishing I was there too. Where will your fat run to?  Who cares really where the fat goes, as long as its off my arse. :)

So, here's a picture of me.. Almost in Lycra, with no makeup, hair stuck to my neck,  first thing on a Bloody Hot Sunday morning, with???   You guessed it. My best friend, sweat. And Cate, which was an enormous effort for her, because not only does she struggle with mornings, she typically doesn't get dressed on Sundays... Let alone in gym clothes and exercising before 7am.

Go Catey! Your Mumma is very proud o you!

Happy Sunday.

Friday, 27 September 2013

All it takes is 6 words....

People are always asking me how I did it.

How I lost almost 70 kilos, now. Surely you had your stomach stapled, you must have been sick, in an accident, on biggest loser..... Nope, nope and nope.

I did it the easy way. No potions, no fees, no buying special foods and not being able to eat out. No missing out on a champers or two on a special occasion. 

Right here, right now I will let you into the secret thats guaranteed to work for, no fail, super charged weight loss.

It's simple. All It takes is 6 words to change your life. 

Shut your mouth, move your arse.

Do that every day, with the occasion lapse to enjoy life- And you will be fit, happy, healthy and gorgeous in no time. 

But, If you would prefer to spend your money each month, send it to me, I can easily charge you for vitamins, video calls, protein shakes and super doooper tabs that will do stuff all, but it will make you feel better about having something to blame for not working (and it will also pay for my next overseas trip..)

So seriously, if you really want to loose weight once and for all, stop making excuses, stop whinging and moaning, suck it up, suck it in and get going.


Remember that, it's the code to change your life forever. Stick it on the mirror, in the fridge, on the coke machine at work, Tattoo it on your forehead if you have to, but just do it. 

But please, Feel free to send donations for my overseas trek anyway... They'll be gratefully accepted. :)

Monday, 23 September 2013

Some hints on healthy eating.


I've had lots of messages about what I eat, what I do to starve off the boredom of the same old salads.. So here's a sample of what we eat these days. 

Breakfast is almost always a hot dish. Now, please remember that we get up to go to work at 4am, so no whinging about not having time to cook in the morning, it's faster than toast- trust me, I've timed it. I prepare all the night before and leave in the fridge ready to cook. Breakfast is really important, so please if you cannot stomach anything too much in the morning, at least have a protein shake and fruit. You must get that metabolism awake and moving!

Breakfast varies and it really depends in what's have in the fridge, but it's usually some form of capsicum, mushrooms, bacon, egg, onion, cheese, milk. Put it in a Tupperware shaker and leave in the fridge. Next morning, I roll out of bed at 4 am, turn on the coffee machine and frying pan, sprayed with coconut oil- have a shower and by the time I'm out, the pan is hot enough to cook breakfast, shake and pour. I get dressed whilst its cooking, press the espresso button... Voila. Breakfast of champions!

Sundays are special days at our home, lazy slow wake up followed by freshly squeezed juice, black coffee and fruit salad with Greek yoghurt. It feels like such a treat. 

Presentation of food is important as well, use garnishes and arrange the food decoratively, it really does make a difference. I have even bought beautiful, although not expensive, crockery, and eat off it all the time, just as another reminder that I am worth all the good things in life.

Morning tea will be a coffee and a piece of fruit, not at any set time, but when I fancy it. Could be a small fruit salad, or just a piece of fruit on the run. Coffee might not be at the same time, but I can assure you I will fit one in at least once every morning. 

I actually have two coffee machines, one upstairs and one downstairs. I love good coffee. I drink it black coffee, no sugar. Not because I'm dieting necessarily, but because I spent years working in remote projects with long-life milk, and often no sugar... It was adapt to that crap milk or go without. I went without. After being in Paris, Hugo is also a convert from dedicated tea drinker to short black coffee as well.

If you feel you still need that sugar in your morning coffee, so be it. If one teaspoon of added sugar is all you are having a day, that fantastic! Don't feel guilty about it, enjoy it. Life's meant to be savoured, not suffered!

If I'm at home, I don't usually eat lunch.. I'm one of those people that get busy and kinda forget till about 3 pm, but Hugo is a timed to the second lunch eater. I can be in the other room and hear his stomach start to growl at 11.59am for food. Because eating Paleo is doing his allergies the world of good, Hugo has also given up bread, so instead of a sandwich we make salads, or use seaweed instead of wraps. We also wrap cold meat and cheese etc in lettuce leaves, roll up and devour that way. I also make Ooopsie Rolls and use as a bread substitute.

Ooopsie Rolls are fabulous. Google them for all kinds of ideas on how to use, but my two favourite uses I will share. They are made with eggs and Philly cheese. Whisk the egg whites with some salt till very stiff, mix the yolks and the Philly cheese together and slowly ,carefully fold through the egg white mix. Bake in blobs and as they cook, they will flatten and spread a little to make small flat bread. Use as you would use bread after drying on an baking rack. I add some Thai seasoning, or garlic to take away that real eggy taste.
I have also baked this in a Swiss roll tin, filled up with whipped cream and strawberries and rolled for a dessert... Who said healthy eating has to be boring?

Afternoon tea time is where I struggle for a sweet - that little extra something to have with a cup of tea on the deck. Date and almond balls, chocolate slice and apricot balls as I suggested a few posts ago are great. Dates have a natural sweetness that just hit the spot for me. Sometimes I will have some nuts instead, depends on where I am and what I'm doing. Nuts are a great portable healthy alternative for when that nibble craving starts. Carry a small packet of trail mix in your handbag, or maybe even a small box of sultanas like you had as a kid. Stay away from the vending machines! Don't try and kid yourself that you are so good and so committed to this diet that you will not get the munchies mid afternoon, just be prepared. 

Dinner is easy. Meat, fish, chicken, protein, protein, protein with veges or salad. I do not eat potatoes, rice, pasta etc.  
Pile your plate with veges, the ones you like, no point cooking veges that you hate, just because you read somewhere they are good for you... 
Hugo makes a fantastic salad that has a bag of lettuce leaves and a small container of Aussie Mix, that has feta cheese, olives, sundried tomatoes, etc in it. Mix together, oil and all... Serve. What could be more simple than that? 

Every couple of days, we will have a dessert. How easy is it to whip and avocado and cocoa together for a fantastic choc mouse? Or sliced strawberries with Greek yoghurt and flaked coconut? 

Simple food, homemade with love, and served beautifully. You can ask for nothing better.

I know there will be those amongst you that are concerned about cholesterol, about fibre intake etc, but I am not a Dr remember? I've been asked to share my experiences with you and this is it. I have had countless disagreements with people still trying hard to loose weight because what I eat is different to them. But, I stand before you 70 kgs lighter and say, "what have you got to loose?"

I've now given up trying to convince people that you do not have to starve yourself to be fit, to be happy and to be within a healthy weight range. If your intention is to get off the diet train, get away from all the starvation and the feelings of not being able to eat and enjoy fine food, try this... If not, keep your negativity to yourself and leave us to get on with getting gorgeous, please.

Years ago my Dad told me that cereal is used to fatten livestock, and since I stopped eating it, I've lost weight? Connected? Who knows, but it works for me. We eat no bread, no sugar, no cereals, minimal man made food at all. I enter the supermarket, walk around the outside to the fresh fruit, vegetables, meat and dairy aisles and thats it. No need to enter the inner aisles of prepackaged, over processed, over priced food. 

Hugo's allergies have gone, Chucks pimples are gone, my weight is gone, and most importantly, my hot flushes have gone. It doesn't get any better than this. 

Saturday, 21 September 2013

I live with a fat-o-phobic

Hugo is Fat-o-phobic. 

He has no tolerance for people who are overweight or out of condition. he sees them as lazy, too tired to get out of their own way, Sad sacks, whingers, complainers! He judges, he frowns, he looks away in disgust. He is one of those fat shaming people. He does it unconsciously, which sadly tells me he has been doing it or a very long time. 

Hugo comes from a long line of them.  Skinny people, who have never had to battle their weight, watch what they eat, think constantly about calories or carbs.. People who make comment about shop assistants, look down their noses at overweight mothers struggling with prams and grocery trolleys, make comments about gorgeous little girls in dance costumes actually having rhythm..

OMG the shock of it!! Fat people can dance?? Who knew?

But, There are thousands of people like Hugo out there. Judgemental, ignorant about any form of weight related struggle and fat-o-phobic. Lucky bastards born with the genetics to eat whatever, whenever and how ever much they want with no consequence..  Some are parents, and some even have fat children... Can you imagine the emotional damage these people are doing to their kids? I know, because my mother was fat-o-phobic, and I'm still recovering from being raised as a fat kid. Once that idea is in your head, it takes an awful lot of shifting. Like 50 years or so!

But, I really should say Hugo WAS Fat-o-phobic, because, as we more enlightened people know, when the student needs guidance, the teacher appears..My darling Hugo has fallen in love with a recovering fat person.  Not only a fat person, an "oh my good she was bloody enormous" fat person.

Hugo never knew me when I was overweight, he only knew me as the lady upstairs at work, who walked everywhere, wore a pedometer on her belt, ate healthy food, and went to the gym after work. He knew me as the safety officer who had photos of overseas motorbike trips on her office wall. He knew me as the person who cared about the people she worked with and did everything in her power to keep them safe and healthy. He had no idea that fat lady on the motorbike was me. 

Hugo has lived with us for a couple of years, and now he knows the struggle, knows the effort that I have had to put in to get to this point. He still eats like a horse, but now he eats healthy food, rather than muffins and cake. He understands.

And That is what makes the difference. He supports me. He doesn't frown anymore when I eat a chocolate biscuit, because he knows I'll just eat two if he does. He walks with me on his days off, he cooks dinner when i go to gym class, and he wants me to succeed at my set goals. Since he has been eating Paleo, his allergies and rhinitis have also cleared up, so it's easier to have him in my corner. 

But, Fat-o-phobes are everywhere. I'm actually tempted to start an online counselling session business for fat-o-phobes, after all, I've been dealing with them for 50 years. I've been Ignored in cafes and coffee shops, frowned at in boutiques, surf shops?? pffftttt.. Don't even bother going inside!

I've seen it all- I got told in a bakery line once, "I'll just serve old mate over here, looks like you can afford to wait a little longer, not like you're starving". Yep, you guessed it.. Straight out the mouth of a skinny person. 
If you guys think that quips like that don't hurt, ring me and ask me to relate the story of the shopkeeper at the pool in my home town, he hurt my feelings when I was not even old enough for school, and still I remember that like it was yesterday, 45 or so years later.. Trust me, it hurts and we do remember! 

I know there are people who read this blog and tell their overweight friends about it, hoping to encourage them to make a change, and that's fantastic. But please, be very aware of what you say, of how you say it, and think about the damage and hurt you may unwittingly be causing in the process. 

If you have overweight people in your house, do not single them out. Do not make them feel inferior by making them eat differently. If you are serious about having healthy children, don't buy shit food, for anyone! Everyone needs to be healthy, so everyone eats the same food. Good, healthy, wholesome food. And for gods sake do not EVER brainwash them into thinking that they are not worthy because they are not stick thin. 

Fat people need positive encouragement, but they also will never loose weight until they want to. Until they have that lightbulb moment themselves, that moment of realisation that they can do this. So until then, be supportive, suggest a walk, stock the pantry with healthy foods, cook different and enticing healthy recipes, think of alternative things to do other than meet for coffee and cake. Do not judge, do not push, do not make them feel less of a person because of their excess weight. 

Love them anyway. Because, like Hugo, you might come to realise that some fat people have hearts of gold.. And will show you happiness you never thought possible.

You are not fat....

Lets get one thing straight here... YOU are not Your fat. 
You may have deposits of extra goodness around the arse,but big deal. You will no longer be defined by the fact you have fat in those curvaceous hips, so stop thinking about it.  Get over it. You should be way too damn busy working on your fitness plans, your life goals and your healthy lifestyle to have time for any negative thoughts.  
Focus on what you want. Think about the PAC-MEN happily chomping away that extra weight, visualise each time you shower, the fat melting off and running down the drain. 

I'm a huge believer in "what you declare you achieve" so now is the time to write who you really are. Underneath your skin
For example,  in my office I have a group of photos collaged together than make a visual reminder to me of my goals..amongst them there is a photo of a fit healthy woman at the gym, not super skinny, just lean and toned. That's who I am. 
I am not my extra roll of flab which needs more surgery to correct, I am not my cellulite that gathers on my thighs like a hail damaged Holden. I am a thin, lean, fit woman in the making. I am funny, compassionate, caring and loving. I am the mother of 5 gorgeous, successful, happy, healthy kids. I am a partner, a mother, a volunteer, an employee, a next door neighbour, and a friend. 
I am not my fat. 
I'd also like to think I'm a tiny bit gorgeous as well..


Thursday, 19 September 2013

So proud...

You guys have no idea how very proud I am at this moment. 

In the last week or two, I have had so many emails, messages, and calls from people who have read my blog and they are loosing weight, feeling fabulous,or finally started to feel like they are in control of their world. It makes me so excited that my blog can motivate others in such a way... One gorgeous girl told me she has lost 3 kg already. In 2 weeks. I just wanted to jump through the phone and squeeze her tight, I was super proud of the effort she has put in to get to that point.

You guys rock!

All it takes is the moment of decision. The moment you put your plan into action. The rest is easy.

The other reason, I am excited is because I went race dress shopping yesterday, in a skinny person shop. You know the type, groovy music, twig thin shop assistants in too short dresses.. 
Firstly, I am excited because they actually acknowledged me and wanted to help, rather than look at me like, "oh pleaseeee, as if we have anything big enough for that arse, in our funky little skinny person store", and secondly, because  I bought one. It's a size 12 and its white. And it made Hugo's eyes sparkle when he saw me in it... Emerald 100, here I come! 

But, back to business-

I'm going to give you a plan example to use as a guide to start if you need to. I know some of you are still struggling with writing what you really want, when it comes to setting life goals. So here's a little simplified inspiration..

One of my goals at the moment is to be 70kg on December 31 2013. I am going to achieve that by clean, healthy eating, by continuing to walk daily till I get clearance to go back to gym classes, lifting and stretching etc, and by remaining focused on my goal. I am also going to start bike riding of an evening, only 5 kilometres each night to start with. When I get full clearance to return to gym, I will set specific plans in place that outline days of the week, classes I will attend etc. I had 16 weeks to get to my goal weight, so dividing the weight to loose by the amount of weeks, leaves me with a weekly target of how much I need to loose to reach my goal on or before December 31. You can be much more specific. 

I understand that coming up to the festive season there will be moments along the way where I will drink champagne and eat canapés, but that won't cause me any distress because life happens, remember? My goal is realistic to start with, so an occasional lapse will not damage my overall goal.. To succeed at long term weight loss, you gotta be realistic. Anyone who has tried to loose weight in the past will have stories about eating one chocolate biscuit, then deciding to eat the whole packet, and then being so down on themselves they forgo their diet completely, for a number of weeks. 

That kind of rigid "all or nothing" thinking does my head in. Unrealistic and not sustainable... Setting yourself up for failure right from the start. Fancy a chocolate biscuit? Enjoy it, savour it, eat it slowly, try to describe what it tastes like.. Then bask in the fact that you can eat something you really enjoy without any guilt attached. Because you are the one in charge here.. 
You are not some terrible, weak willed good for nothing because you ate a biscuit.. You are a beautiful, fabulous person who had a craving for something sweet, just like any other human being on earth. No big deal. Don't waste one moment beating yourself up.. You're way too busy getting gorgeous. Stay focused on your goal. Eyes on the prize, remember? 
I have a theory though, that the body craves what it needs, eg in pregnancy, the body will ask for all sorts of weird concoctions to get the minerals that it needs to grow a new human. I believe the same is true in weight loss. 
I recently went to a naturopath who told me that my body was in dire need of some decent fats. My elbows were like a rasp, my skin was dull and lacklustre. She could tell just by looking at me that I was a long term dieter. She asked me what I craved, what was my comfort food? Butternut snap biscuits with real cold butter. And occasionally, chocolate coated liquorice. 
Little did I realise that my body was trying to tell me, I had low blood pressure ( liquorice will raise blood pressure ) and also needed a fat injection to supplement the skin... Years of eating low fat had taken its toll on my skin. I've recently added more good fats to my diet, avocado etc, and sure enough Hugo has stopped referring to my elbows as the 'renovators' and my skin feels much more supple. 
I believe we need to start seeing food as our medicine, and taking notice of what the body really wants.   I've never really been one to write down what I eat, but I guess it may help you determine if there is a pattern to your cravings. Try it for a few weeks if you are having cravings other than the ole ' what a bitch of a day, I need a Turkish delight.." kind of day, which we all  have from time to time. 

I still have mid afternoon cravings for a cuppa and something sweet. Ok, I admit, I'm not superwoman. (Yet..). So rather than deny myself, I eat something sweet, natural and clean. Eg date and almond balls, apricot coconut balls, or choc coconut slice. All home made, all easy as pie to make, and absolutely guilt free! 
Grab yourself a handful of good pitted dates, throw the in a blender, chuck in some coconut, some mixed nuts, mixed fruit and blend till it looks like breadcrumbs. Roll into balls, toss in coconut and put in fridge.  Or do the same but substitute the dates with apricots. Easy. If its a bit dry, throw in some coconut oil. 
Or chocolate slice... Blend dates, coconut, cocoa together, push into slice tin and set in fridge. Cut into squares. I'm actually too lazy to press and cut, so I just blob them onto baking paper till they set in fridge. Cate has actually iced the slice as well with choc icing, and used as a "normal" slice for a function. Not a good idea to introduce the icing sugar, but it looked fantastic for the special occasion.  

Make these treats yourself, , not only are they way cheaper and fresher, but they have less preservatives, less additives, and only contain what you put in there. No hidden sugar, fat or allergens.

So, realistically, Being healthy is not about denying yourself of treats, avoiding special occasions, and missing out in all the fun, it's about realising you are important enough to eat well, and well worthy of the good things in life.

You are not fat, you have fat... And getting your head around the fact that there is a huge difference, is very important....Which I will tell you about tomorrow. 

Wednesday, 11 September 2013


Okay, so you've just decided to get married, have family photos, meet the in laws, go to the latest school reunion.. And you want to be looking stunning. 
You start to exercise, watch what you eat, swim, gym etc etc. till the occasion arrives, you look great, feel great, confidence grows, your skin glows - yet straight after your motivation disappears and the weight sneaks back on. Why?
Why is it that you can loose it if you want to, for something special? 
Why do you think that the remainder of your life is not a special occasion? One worthy enough to be in peak condition for? 
Forever is a special occasion. Trust me.

Deciding to loose weight is the easy bit, writing your plan of attack a little harder, and having the motivation, determination and dedication to continue is the hardest. 

We all now know that loosing weight is as simple as making the decision, and doing what's required to get there. Which, I should warn you, means sweat. It means Lycra, and it means getting uncomfortable. But I have learned doing it, saves a whole heap of heartache down the track. I know I would prefer to have sweat running between my cleavage from exercise than sweat rash between my fat thighs whilst shopping.

It also means to continually do what's necessary to meet your goals.  Continually, heaps, often, shitloads.... You catching what I'm throwing here?

I used to go to work, and be away from my house for almost 14 hours a day and what I missed most during that project, was having time to exercise. To let off steam at the end of a long day, to take an evening stroll around the park, or to attend a gym class. I could have easily said, I'm too busy, I'm too tired, I don't have time, but instead I threw the pedometer on my belt and walked all over that prep plant, up and down conveyors, stairs, found a toilet in another area and used it every time... It was 200 more steps away than the usual loo. I did Little things that added up to mean a lot, every day. I couldn't exercise out of work hours, so I incorporated it. 

And you know why I did that? Because I had a plan. I had a plan that told me I needed to stay focused and loose 900g this week, or else I wouldn't reach my target. My plan helped me stay on track.

I set daily plans. And weekly plans, and monthly targets. All were set up to help me achieve my final goal. I even had spreadsheets with charts and graphs! Lol... Absolutely ridiculous, but it worked. I loved watching the weight lost bar get bigger, and the weight to loose get smaller every week. It was a visual tool that kept me focused. 

At work I aimed for 20000 steps a day from the time I went in the gate to the time I left. Most days I achieved it, not all, but sometimes life gets in the way, remember? Any steps I took each day were a bonus. I found myself setting myself small targets.. 6k steps before 10am, 15k steps before 2pm etc. it helped me to stay concentrating on what my main aim was. Try setting yourselves small, achievable, personal targets, to start and increasing them as your fitness levels increase. 

I also left my runners at the back door. I would put them on the moment I removed my work shoes. That way, I always felt like I was half dressed already for exercise, I may as well continue. It was a small motivator to encourage me at a dangerous time for me, early evening. The temptation to say, I'm "zorsted" (Cates term..) was high, so having my shoes already on gave me that kick, to get my arse into gear and just do it.

I also reckon it's good idea to set small weight loss goals in your plan to keep you on track.. Aim for 5 kilos by Fred's wedding, 10 kilos by New Years Eve etc, but don't stop once you've achieved them. Continue to set goals even after you've reached your goal weight. Aim for maintaining of weight, for being able to walk or run another kilometre or two, climb Mt Everest, or walk the St James Way with me in 2014.. Whatever your plans are, meet them, exceed them and rewrite them, constantly.

Some people also like to have an accountability partner. Some one who will walk or exercise with them. Keep them to a set time, and use it as a social time as well. I have a friend that walks 5 days a week with a different person each day, it's her way of catching up with her friends that also lead busy lives. 
I personally don't really like it. I can never seem to find anyone that will walk at 5am, or enjoys the same classes as me at the gym. I guess I also travel a lot and I fix exercise in where I can, it's all too hard to expect someone else to fit into my chaos. I also like flexibility, being able to decide in the morning if I want to run, or walk or gym or weights etc.. But do what ever keeps you honest. If needing to have someone waiting for you at 7am on the corner is what you need to get you out of bed each day, do it. If you prefer not having someone watching the sweat trickle down your brow as you attempt to test out the holding power of your new sports bra, so be it. The secret is doing what works for you. Often. 

I had a handwritten sign on my fridge for years.... EFFORT or F it? Choice is yours.... 
I guess I just choose effort. 

Monday, 9 September 2013

Start at the start.

As we all learned in school, every great story has an introduction, a plot and a fabulous conclusion. 

Today I would like you to think about the introduction to your new life. This is your story, no one else's.

 If you are a parent, a wife, a long term partner, you may be surprised at how hard it might be to write your introduction based solely upon yourself. Focus on what you want, what you need. Not what your husbands plans are, or your kids needs, or the mission statement for the business.  What do you crave for? If you could write a autobiography based on your dream life, what would it say? Think big.. You never have to show or tell anyone your story if you don't wish too. These are your dreams, your plans, your life.

I for one, found it really difficult, as I had been a single mum for such a long long time, I just couldn't imagine a life without my children, so all of my initial decisions were family focused. I wanted to save enough money to provide a safe haven for them, to never have them feel threatened, I wanted to always ensure that they felt loved and wanted and cared for... Me? I dunno... I was just so damn busy doing all the things I need to do to provide for the kids, I had no time to think of what I may have needed. 

Even when I first decided to write the plan, I struggled... I really had idea what it was that my heart wanted, nor what my soul cried out for. Every night when the kids would go to bed, I would pour a glass of wine, get my grand plan journal out and wait for inspiration. What the hell did I want?

My first plans were predominantly financially based, and those of you that lived through those crazy boom times in a mining town will understand the need for that. I just needed to be able to find enough steady income to pay the rent, and have enough to feed the family as well. I needed to know that if things went pear shaped suddenly, as they had once before, that I would be able to survive for a month without wages. I wanted to clear all my debt, and have 5k in the bank at the end of the year. 

So there it was, my first goal. 5k in the bank, clear of debt but December 31st. Heard of the SMART principle? All goals to be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, something starting with R and Time Based.. Realistic! That's what the R stands for... (Phew, thought I'd lost my train of though there for a moment.)
So my plan to have 5 k met the SMART principle. It was specific 5 k, measurable, attainable, realistic and had a timeframe of Dec 31. 

I then worked backwards till I devised a plan of achieving this. Eg 20 weeks away, 5 k divided by 20 was 250. I opened another account for this saving and set up an automatic transfer for this amount every week. It went out the same day I got paid, so I didn't really ever notice it. You can imagine my elation when I saw on Dec 29, that last payment go in which took the balance to $5000. I was rich. Lol. I was so excited. And it was so easy.

Once Xmas and New Year wore off and another 2 kilos were happily balancing in my hips, I thought it time to create a plan that pertained to my health, both physical and emotional. Hmmm, another brainstorming session was in order. Happiness? Money? Fun? Steady work? Nope, too generic. BORING..... I had all of those things and none of them were anything dramatic. I needed change. I needed health, I needed fitness, I needed to be happy in my own skin, I needed someone who would keep me safe. Again and again I wrote lists and achieved them. Little by little. 

So, Start at the start. Think about what YOU need, what YOU want, what makes YOUR heart sing. And write your plan. Now. Today. Then write the steps to achieve them, little by little....

The big secret in writing a successful plan, I've found, is two things. An understanding that sometimes life gets in the way, and a need to be kind to yourself if you fall short by a little bit... You must remember that any improvement to your life, regardless of what area it fits into, is a success. Aimed for 4 kilos, only made 3.5? YAY.. Good job, you're 3.5 kg healthier! 

It is not the end of the world if you didn't quite make it. All positive change is?? Yep, you guessed it... POSITIVE CHANGE.. And what could be better than that? 

Come with me, she said......

I have been asked by sooo many people in the last few days to alter the format of this blog, from documenting the surgery to providing motivation and support for those looking to loose weight... Remembering I am still one of those people. Yes, I have had multiple inches of spare skin removed, but that does not mean that my body has changed the way it stores its excess energy. I am still in this treadmill of weight loss, as I have not one intention of ever putting all that weight back on. 
As i love a challenge, something that will keep my brain entertained, I've decided that i will try to give you guys what you want- I'm thinking it will also keep me extremely focused as well, knowing you're watching me.
Now, you must remember that I am not a weight loss guru, I have no professional credentials whatsoever in how, why, where, or what to do to loose weight. The only knowledge I have is what worked for me. I'm a former fat chick working hard to be healthy, to maintain a physical size that I am happy with, and to be comfortable in my own skin.
That's all I know.So this blog will be a motivator for myself and my family, and you if you choose. I don't profess to have all the answers, to have the secrets, or know what's best for you... I'd love for you to join me, if you would prefer not to... No biggie! 
Remember to consult your Doctor before starting any kind of exercise, but really, is any Dr ever gonna tell you to lay that lard arse down there on that couch, grab the remote, the chocolate and the Diet Coke, relax and enjoy????? Nope, they are gonna tell you gentle exercise to start- sensible eating plan and watch those kilos peel away!

I used to spend a lot of time convincing myself, I couldn't loose weight.. No matter what I tried.. So of course my brain convinced my body of just that. I walked and rode my exercise bike and drank protein shakes as advised by my daycare director (pfffftttt- what was I thinking???).... But nothing happened. I would loose a kilo here and there, but nought to speak of. I would go to special celebrations and eat nothing, but drink 1001 Canadian Clubs- but with soda water though, so they can't be bad for you, surely?

Then, as you already know, I attended a motivational speaking session in Brisbane, and it was like a light bulb went on in my head. I was such a big believer in positive thinking, yet here I was sabotaging my own efforts.  "Thin and healthy, successful and wealthy" became my mantra for the next 5 years... And still is to this day.

So, come, join me on the journey to being Thin, Healthy, Successful and Wealthy as well. Put your phone down now, get ya runners on and go for a walk.. I don't care where, or for how long, just walk. And meet me back here tomorrow..