Friday, 29 November 2013

Who am I?

Some one asked me today "who are you and what do you believe in"? 

Easy enough question I guess.. But I couldn't use the old standards, oh I am a mine site safety, training and compliance officer, with a beautiful partner, and 10 healthy kids between us.. I had to talk about me. 

Not what I did, or who my kids were, or how fabulous Hugo is. Me. Who am I? 

After a few minutes, I worked out I had no damn idea. When you take what I do, who I know, where I volunteer, and who I gave birth to, out of the equation... It was a very hard question upon which to ponder.

And so I begin.... 

I am a youthful 50 year old woman, who loves to travel, to experience new worlds and new cultures. I love to read. I read travel books, and murder mysteries. 

I have laugh lines, lots of them. They create part of my character. I'm told I have a twinkle in my eye, but I think that's just my mischief meter..

I am five foot five of enthusiasm, of ideas, of random thoughts. I've no intention of slowing down, of retiring, of settling in to watch the paint dry on the walls of an over 50's village! I plan to be active, to be  constantly changing my views, challenging my mindset to push the boundaries, learning things about other cultures, other worlds, other lives. 

I enjoy restoring old furniture. I am a homebody these days, and guard my down time closely. My home is my sanctuary, and i have come to really appreciate the time I spend here. I like things to be tidy, neat, orderly. When the house is tidy, I feel like my mind is tidy.

I love meeting new people, introducing them to town, welcoming them to my part of the world. This special place I call home at the moment. The beautiful Emerald City. 

I also I love to work out, I love being able to feel those muscles telling me that "hey, you've not used us for a while, thanks for the workout". I love the camaraderie we have in gym class, and how encouraged and alive those girls make me feel. I am healthy, I am fit, and I am inspired to do more, to be more. 

I am a list writer, a planner, a goal setter, and a perfectionist. I'm a lifelong learner. I like to experience new things, and some of them I write about.

I feel that my heart is at peace now, for the first time in a very long time, I feel centred, settled. Happy. In love. Smitten. 

I have plans on becoming a life coach, and volunteering more of my time to read books to patients at the aged care home. I want to volunteer at the Visitors Information Centre.

I love helping people, making a difference in someone's day. Making people smile. Making overweight people overcome the struggle, overcome that need to spend  money to get healthy. Understand their worth. 

I'm enrolling in Uni when I'm 90.

 I want to gather up a photo of my kids, Hugo and a change of clothes and spend a year or two wandering about in the world.

I believe the world really is a magical place, and we can make a difference. Each and every one of us. 

I believe in love, and that one special someone that everyone has waiting for them. I waited 48 years for Mr Right and all that while I didn't know that all the Mr Wrongs weren't right. Now I do. 

I believe in Santa. I believe in God. I believe that the universe provides us with everything we ask for.

I believe that positive thoughts create positive change. I believe that every word we speak has the power to change everything. Our minds hear everything we say. Be gentle on yourself.

I believe in the innocence of babies and the simplicity of children's thought. I believe we complicate our own lives, why, I'm not real sure. 

I believe in what we focus on, gets bigger. I believe that we should all focus on what we want, not what we don't want.. (Eg, being healthy rather than loosing weight.)

I believe in kindness, and in compassion. I believe in Karma. Big time! 

I believe that sugar is poison, I believe that preservatives are too. I believe in eating natural foods as much as possible, not buying or using any mass produced man made products. I believe that eating healthily shows through the skin.

I believe that my kids are the most handsomely, clever creatures that have ever been created, and they are my my proudest achievement. 

I believe in simplicity. There is much more to life than increasing its speed. Slow down, relax, breathe, enjoy.

And I believe that writing a list of goals and dreams, works. I'm now proof of that.

Other than that, I am a mine site safety, compliance and training officer with a fabulous partner, and ten beautiful healthy kids between us. :)

And you?

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