Tuesday, 17 June 2014

What are you really hungry for?

When I'm bored, I check the pantry one more time to see if anything has miraculously appeared since ten minutes ago... Anything in there to eat? Anything in there that will fill the hole, extinguish the hunger I have today?

Sound familiar? 

Yep, I'm sure it does. It used to happen to me. I used to look in the fridge, in the pantry, even in my gym bag to see if there was anything that would satisfy my hunger, my craving for "something", even though I didn't really know what that something was. 

But, no matter how much I ate, I was still hungry. Still searching for that elusive something. 

Yesterday, I had my lightbulb moment.

Like 5 years ago at a Craig Harper session, a light went on again. It really was that simple. The realisation of "knowing" what you need to do to make this work. Just Whoosh.. And there it was. It truly was a " Why the hell didn't I know that?" moment.

I understand now that the something I have been searching for is purpose. My inner fire. The real reason I exist.

No amount of food is ever going to satisfy the hunger for action, for living out my dreams, for taking a stand. For having a go. 

Now, I know. 

Food is not what I need, is not what I'm searching for. What I was searching for was my quest to take SYMMYA to the world. To help each and every one of the people I know that struggles with their weight, with their world. To turn every single person into a SYMMYA Goddess, and have a heap of laughs along the way. I feel like the fire has been ignited, I feel energised and enthused and really excited about the journey. 

What is it that you yearn for? That you want to do but have never had the chance? Never had the funds or e time, or the courage? What is it that you crave? That lights your fire?

Join me. Laugh with me. Let me be the one who turns on the light for you. Come share my vision. You'll love it. 

Friday, 13 June 2014

Black Friday Blues

Happy beautiful sunshiny Black Friday to you!

Just returned home from a long walk in the sunshine, winter is a coming I'm told, but I'm desperately utilising the final days of bliss. Usually Fridays consist  of a 6am class at the gym then a MMA style session in the local botanical gardens, but today, work got in the way of those.. And to be honest I'm glad.
A long walk in the sun was just what my body craved, to feel the warm rays on my hair, on my shoulders and on my face, warming my soul right to the core... I've come home feeling like I've been hugged by an old friend.

Initially I was a little grumpy at my routine being disrupted, typical start to a Black Friday.. But along my walk I got to thinking, do bad things usually happen today because we expect them to? Do we attract that negative energy just because Friday falls on the 13th this month? How silly?

But, in my Facebook newsfeed, I've seen people sad because black Friday has caused them to hit the garage door, to be late for work, to spill their coffee, for their day carer to be sick, and for their flight to be delayed... And then there's me, annoyed because I helped someone out of a bind, missed classes but instead I was rewarded with a beautiful relaxing way to start my morning.. How lucky am I?

How many of you guys are superstitious? Who will only start a new diet or exercise plan on a Monday? Which one of you eats everything in the pantry that's remotely unhealthy on a Sunday night in preparation for the beginning of the new life on Monday morning?

I know sportspeople who have lucky socks, favourite pair of skins to train in.. Me, I have a few pairs of lucky jox that I wear to the gym... They are the ones that don't decide to slide down with my new super expensive athletic tights that I wasted way too much money on, aside from that I don't think I hold too many weird ideas about superstition.... I do, though, believe very strongly in what you declare, you achieve. So keep those thoughts focused on what you do want rather than what you don't! 

I do hope that your Black Friday is as beautiful as mine, that the sun is shining on you at your place, that you end your week feeling as warm and supported as I do. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and enjoy that full moon tonight..... :)

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Today's a great day to eat cake.

June 11.

It's my birthday. Phew, I've made it through yet another year of the madness and chaos that I call my world. It's a huge bonus knowing that I'm improving every year, each birthday now brings a time for reflection, for taking stock of all the great things that have happened this year, and for giving thanks.

I am not one that usually celebrates my birthday, for a number of personal reasons, so this year I decided to meet up with some women that I know only through Facebook, instead.

People that are not in my usual sphere of friends, people I am not really sure what they look like,or what their real name is, virtual confidants who's sense of humour, or straight talking attitude has attracted me on FB.

At first I forgot it was my birthday when I arranged to meet for coffee today, and then I thought, why not? What better day to make new friends than on your birthday?

We chatted about kids, and diets, healthy eating and even the flu that's working its way through town. We laughed and smiled and found we have things in common. We connected. Not virtually, but in reality. 

The food was delicious, the coffee hot and the conversation flowed.

I also ate cake.  Without one ounce of guilt. That is a really big step for me. I usually beat myself up about any thing I put in my mouth that isn't in the plan.. I mentally turn a treat into such a negative experience, that my body feels bad just eating it!

Not today. I tasted every mouthful of that sweet gooey chocolatey delight, felt the icy cold ice cream clash with the warm cake... It was heaven. I have worked hard for that cake. I have earned it. Because now my mind knows that, so long as I work hard in the gym, and exercise regularly, I can eat anything I want, without guilt. Without negativity. 

Today, I had my cake and ate it too.

Thanks girls  ( and Jimmy) for a wonderful afternoon, for the positive conversation, for the gift of friendship.

Aside from the sugar headache I have given myself, I am feeling on top of the world.

Happy birthday to me!! :)

Monday, 2 June 2014

Weekend housework, metaphorically speaking...

Monday, for once I am very glad to see you..

I spent the whole of my weekend, cleaning one of our work accommodation units. Yep. ALL weekend. The whole of Saturday and the whole of Sunday taken up with cleaning up someone else's mess.

At first, I was eager to get the job done, then, As time wore on and I realised the enormity of the task, I got cross.  I started frowning, grumbling away at myself about the situation. It was also about then that I became distracted.  I was starting a job, then leaving it to do another, coming back to the first one and leaving it again.. I had lost focus, swearing under my breath and getting angry. I was achieving nothing.

After a time, I realised that I could either suck it up and get the task over and done with, or I could spend more time grumbling and moaning about it. Once I decided to roll up the sleeves, take a big breath and get my head back in the oven, the job seemed to finish up more quickly. The end result was amazing. 

Thinking about it last night, I came to realise that my attitude yesterday could easily be compared to my reactions about getting healthy.. I approach everything with gusto, then I get cross that I'm not getting results fast enough, and start looking for quick fixes.

But, as we all know, to finish cleaning a unit, one has to be methodical. Take all the steps in the right order to make sure it's complete. You wouldn't wash the floors before you swept, would you?

Are you one of those people who stuff things under cushions, hide ironing in the cupboard, magazines under the bed? Are you also one of those people who eat in private? Sneak a chocolate when no one can see? Clean up your lifestyle like you would clean the house, room by room, methodically. Clean up, clear out. 

Eating well, drinking lots of water, exercising and getting plenty of sleep. That is what works, that is what will clean your personal unit effectively. Just roll up your sleeves, take a deep breath and know that you will do it. You will win this battle. 

We all know that using mildew spray in the shower, unless you clean it continually, the mildew returns. Same as using the latest fad meal replacement, unless you choose to pay $350 a month for the rest of your life, that weight is gonna return.  You have to create for yourself, a workable routine, not one that makes you feel hungry and sick or tired, but one that fills you with energy and vitality. A routine that allows you to be the best you can be, happy and healthy, and one where the money stays in your pocket for more meaningful pursuits. 

Loosing weight is really about our mental approach, the internal dialogue we have with ourselves. "Go girl you can do it, scrubbing these tiles for three hours on your hands and knees is a fantastic workout for your upper arms"- or "FFS the people that live in this house are just pigs, look at this mess!!" You choose your attitude. It's up to you, to keep positive, keep that internal dialogue upbeat and encouraging. What you declare, you achieve, so make sure your goals are always positive! Feel free to borrow my mantra if you need to..  I'm thin and healthy, successful and wealthy. :)

Get your head in the game, get your thoughts straight, plan why you want to loose weight, think of all the great things you will gain by loosing weight, and keep your focus on the end result.

It may take a little longer, but getting your personal space clean and clear, bright and sparkling, is a job worth doing properly. 

And you alone, have the power to get it done. Now. Monday. No better time to start.