Friday, 13 June 2014

Black Friday Blues

Happy beautiful sunshiny Black Friday to you!

Just returned home from a long walk in the sunshine, winter is a coming I'm told, but I'm desperately utilising the final days of bliss. Usually Fridays consist  of a 6am class at the gym then a MMA style session in the local botanical gardens, but today, work got in the way of those.. And to be honest I'm glad.
A long walk in the sun was just what my body craved, to feel the warm rays on my hair, on my shoulders and on my face, warming my soul right to the core... I've come home feeling like I've been hugged by an old friend.

Initially I was a little grumpy at my routine being disrupted, typical start to a Black Friday.. But along my walk I got to thinking, do bad things usually happen today because we expect them to? Do we attract that negative energy just because Friday falls on the 13th this month? How silly?

But, in my Facebook newsfeed, I've seen people sad because black Friday has caused them to hit the garage door, to be late for work, to spill their coffee, for their day carer to be sick, and for their flight to be delayed... And then there's me, annoyed because I helped someone out of a bind, missed classes but instead I was rewarded with a beautiful relaxing way to start my morning.. How lucky am I?

How many of you guys are superstitious? Who will only start a new diet or exercise plan on a Monday? Which one of you eats everything in the pantry that's remotely unhealthy on a Sunday night in preparation for the beginning of the new life on Monday morning?

I know sportspeople who have lucky socks, favourite pair of skins to train in.. Me, I have a few pairs of lucky jox that I wear to the gym... They are the ones that don't decide to slide down with my new super expensive athletic tights that I wasted way too much money on, aside from that I don't think I hold too many weird ideas about superstition.... I do, though, believe very strongly in what you declare, you achieve. So keep those thoughts focused on what you do want rather than what you don't! 

I do hope that your Black Friday is as beautiful as mine, that the sun is shining on you at your place, that you end your week feeling as warm and supported as I do. 

Have a wonderful weekend, and enjoy that full moon tonight..... :)

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