Saturday, 14 February 2015

2015 and all the grand plans...

New Year Resolutions - love them or hate them, it's a great time for reassessing and planning the upcoming year.

Coupled with the obligatory public holidays, the quiet time allows for the ability to sneak off to a corner of the world to think. 

Where do I wanna be in 365 days? What do I want to change in that time? What do I want to continue, grow, get stronger, lose, stop, or walk away from?

A lot of people will tell you to start from the beginning. I prefer to start from the end. Make plans based on where I want to be at years end, rather than where I am now. 

So, with that in mind, I can then plan the steps to get where I want to be. Wanna be stronger?  Schedule in some Pump classes, Wanna run a marathon? Start with the Coach to 5k App.

I liken this to being in a yacht. It's all very well to say you want to go sailing, but you must have an end destination in mind or you spend your holidays bobbing up n down in the local Marina. yea, you're on a yacht and yes you're sailing, but is that really what you wanted?

So, this new year, the beautiful cool dawning of 2015, as the sun rises on your new year, schedule in some time for yourself this year.

Much love and wishes of a safe n healthy new year. J

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