Friday, 27 March 2015

Gorgeous, Fabulous, Completely Enough.

This afternoon, I'm sad.

I'm part of a number of social media groups that preach Wellness, Good Health and all things fabulous.  In the last hour, I've found myself comforting, online, a sad, lonely women in Central Victoria, because she is crumbling under the pressure of being enough.

Of feeling she is enough. Good enough, smart enough, thin enough, rich enough. All things enough. 

Her cry for help was heart breaking, she was confused and lonely and needed the opportunity to vent. I'm glad she did so on FB, as she was immediately answered by a number of people,  but imagine how much better this lady would feel if she could have been embraced by a physical hug, made a cup of tea, and been given the opportunity to talk over her feelings with a trusted friend instead?

The majority of people who responded also expressed similiar feelings. They were lost, lonely and struggling with their identity now that the children were growing. They expressed feelings of sadness, loneliness, lack of connection to community and spirit, lack of direction. 

What causes these feelings? Is it the internet, is it because we see all our friends posting successful status updates, or their children's award photos? It is because we actually have so much opportunity these days, we cannot choose what we want to do anymore?

Is it the fact there is so much money to be made in the diet, health and cosmetic surgery industry that we are being subjected to constant noise about needing to be perfect? I don't know, but it makes me sad.

You, right now, in your present state, looking just like you do this instant, are enough.

Your re-growth, your tuck shop lady arms, your baggy track pants are gorgeous. Your new gym gear, your soon to be visible six pack abs, your newly varnished toenails, are fabulous. 

Every single aspect of who you are, right this minute, and who you want to be, is enough. 

You are loved by those who matter. 

Your smile and sparkling eyes enchant everyone you've ever met. 

Your gentle spirit and unwavering faith in your children speaks volumes. 

Yes, i also prattle on about healthy living, and it's because I want you all to be the healthiest versions of yourselves that you can be. I want to be able to show you that by being active and raising your children to understand the effects of good food on their health and mental well being. That by living simply, eating real food, by nourishing your spirit and soul and loving yourself as you do those around you, you will be blessed with longevity. I want to inspire you to join me in making change in the lives of our children, and grandchildren, to allow them never having to deal with the effects of obesity, again. 

But most importantly, I want to say to each and every one of you today, you are never, ever alone. We, as women will stand beside you, to make tea, to lend a hand, an ear or a big heartfelt bear hug. 

If I can share with you the one thing that I have learned throughout this whole journey, it is that we are all enough. 

Message me on FitFabnfifty if you need to talk more. 

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