Up till recently my daily schedule consisted of breakfast with the kids, gym, walk or ride, a couple of hours of admin work, lunch, work on my new book, then Zumba before dinner and bed with a great book. Throw in a morning coffee with friends a couple of times a week and there you have it.. A pretty relaxed life style. How lucky was I?
What the hell was I thinking that the world would let me get away with that cruisey number for any length of time? I really should know better by now.
If there's one thing I have learned in these past 50 odd years, it's to listen closely and go with the flow. That doesn't mean sit back and let life pass you by, it means gently go in the direction the universe pushes you. I've learned a number of times over the years, to listen, to take notice and to act.
My biggest lesson was in 2010. For years, I had resisted leaving our family hometown, a close knit community which had become my safety cocoon, but the universe pushed and pushed and pushed, until I had no other option but to move away, to make a whole new start with the kids. Within days, our new house filled with water in the Emerald City Floods and washed away a lot of our possessions. At the time, I was devastated, the kids were coping with moving town, making new friends, finding themselves again. And then the water came and washed everything that was familiar to us, away.
Now, I can look back and see all the good that happened. Our new community became a strong united force, with neighbours and strangers helping each other out, offering food and water, and practical assistance. We met people we would not have met, if not for the flood. It was a hard few weeks, with no water, power or food available in the shops to buy, but it was also time we learned so much from.
I can see now that maybe the water was also sent to cleanse us, free us from the sentimental ties to the past, push us forward onto bigger and better things. We've been given opportunities that we would never have had in D Town, we've made fabulous friends, and moved onto new jobs and new beginnings in relationships. Amongst all the sadness, was the realisation it was actually a turn for the best.
Now again, I'm feeling the gentle push of a new direction. The world is showing me new opportunity as a means of personal growth.
I have even been given the telltale signs of a Universal Prod. I've dreamt about the things I should be doing, projects I need to launch, the difference I could be making in the community. I've started to see similiar books in the library, related articles appear in my newsfeed, conversations with friends would take a weird turn, the universe is definitely conspiring to move me forward out of my comfort zone. Oddly enough, I have an inner knowing that there is something I must to do, that it's time to get my shit together.
No doubt you've all experienced these same symptoms. The feeling of having to be more than you are now, the feeling that perhaps you've a purpose that you aren't fulfilling. That the life you are busily building, isn't quite what it should be.. It's like you have a yearning inside for something, but what?
If you've ever done any of my wellness training, you will be all too familiar with the phrase Feed Your Fire Not Your Face, and the realisation that what you are yearning for is not chocolate, it's purpose.
It's passion that we seek, not comfort food. We need to find the drive inside that fuels us. We need to do what makes us alive, what makes the heart sing. You know that old adage, "Find your passion and the money will follow"? It's true.
I'm a firm believer now that each and everyone of us has been put on earth to help someone else, by living authentically, and by telling our personal story. The real meaning of life is to love, to live what we love, and love what we do.
In the weeks to follow, you will sense a shift also in the direction of my life, through my blogs and you will get to see first hand the beauty in the ability to live a life's purpose.
I am Jaki Mac, Author, Blogger, Transformational Speaker. Life, Business and Wellness Coach.
At your service.
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