Sunday, 3 May 2015

Sunday Morning Blogging.

Who could ever complain about Winter mornings in Central Qld?

The sun is shining, the birds are singing and I'm off for a walk soon after this.

I'm grateful.

For absolutely everything in my world.

For the fact that I wake every morning as the sun rises, and I'm given the opportunity to spend another day in my life.

For the fact that by predominantly eating real food, my joints don't ache, and I am happy to get up and exercise. I'm grateful for the way my body now craves good nutrition, and I'm grateful that I'm now happy and healthy.

I'm grateful for the man who pulled out in front of me this morning and allowed me the opportunity to slow down and enjoy the sunshine on my bike ride.

I'm grateful Cate is volunteering at the Triathalon this morning, as it gave me the chance to breathe in that gorgeous early morning vista over Lake Fairbairn.

I'm grateful that my partner works away, as it give me time to remember all the great things I love about him, and missing him reminds me to be thankful for the times that we spend together. 

I am grateful for having realised that giving thanks for all the little things in your life, serves to increase them. It helps the mind stay focused on finding good things, rather than the negative..

On this day, let's all remember to be grateful. To give thanks for the moments that make you smile, like the first flower on your camellia, by the cheek kiss from a child, an early morning text that said nothing but a kiss emoticon that says everything. 

For life. Let's just be grateful for life. And everything in it. 

Enjoy your Sunday. 

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