And so, once again, my blog transforms – it was started to document a physical change in my body – then to the emotional changes in my life, and now it takes another U Turn to be a vehicle for Transformational Change in the lives of others.
Regardless of how hard I have tried over the years to ignore the gentle push of the Universe, I always find myself heading back to the same topic. To help, to inspire, to support and encourage and build up those people around me.
As ridiculous as it sounds, I have always had a feeling, an inner knowing perhaps, that I was here on earth to do something important. Me? An overweight, overwhelmed single mother of 5?? Who on earth was I kidding? What great plan did I have to transform the lives of others, when I could barely keep my own head above water? At the time I didn’t know, but I do now.
Its passion.
Its the internal flame that we all have inside us to do OUR thing, regardless of what that thing is. Its our purpose. And without getting all religious and new-agey here, I believe that we are all put here for a reason, to tell our story, to deliver our words and our learning to those people who need to hear it.
Over the coming weeks, you will get to witness more and more of this. Of the story behind the person I am today. Of the techniques I had to use to get out of poverty, of the mindset I had to implement to stay positive in the face of a life threatening illness of a child, of the creativity i needed to keep us from permanent homelessness, of the utter inner belief that I somehow had, that we were going to be successful.
Anyone who knew me years ago in D Town, would remember my Grandmothers antique hallstand, that lived just inside my front door. It had a symbol drawn on the mirror in lipstick, Y2KG, and that symbol was a constant reminder for me to “Build My Brand”, to step up and into the person I knew I was inside, regardless of the external influences I was experiencing.
Those year 2000 Goals have driven me to this point. From a overweight, overwhelmed single mother drowning in debt, alcohol, bad food and regret, to a strong, positive role model to my family. From living in two tents, to owning two houses, driving two cars, and leading the best life I could ever have imagined.
You can get to live your dream life too, before its too late. I will be moving this blog to a new web host, blogging more regularly and even creating online courses in positivity, personal branding, living the life you have always dreamed of that will allow me to get the message to more people than I can physically assist at one time. Its a really exciting time for me, and for anyone looking to find their own personal magnificence.
Don’t die with your “life” still inside.
My Dad died at 73 years of age, and was still working towards his retirement. Working towards being able to live the life of his dreams. He never did.
Its now the time to get Inspired about what your Dream Life really looks like.
Its time to get Deliberate with your actions, make goals and set your path.
And it’s time to move your arse towards those goals. Now. Right this minute. Get GOING.
So, buckle up, hold on and come along for the ride. Its gonna be great fun.
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