Thursday, 28 May 2015

Get inspired, Get Deliberate and Get Going.

And so, once again, my blog transforms – it was started to document a physical change in my body – then to the emotional changes in my life, and now it takes another U Turn to be a vehicle for Transformational Change in the lives of others.
Regardless of how hard I have tried over the years to ignore the gentle push of the Universe, I always find myself heading back to the same topic. To help, to inspire, to support and encourage and build up those people around me.
As ridiculous as it sounds, I have always had a feeling, an inner knowing perhaps, that I was here on earth to do something important. Me? An overweight, overwhelmed single mother of 5?? Who on earth was I kidding? What great plan did I have to transform the lives of others, when I could barely keep my own head above water? At the time I didn’t know, but I do now.
Its passion.
Its the internal flame that we all have inside us to do OUR thing, regardless of what that thing is. Its our purpose. And without getting all religious and new-agey here, I believe that we are all put here for a reason, to tell our story, to deliver our words and our learning to those people who need to hear it.
Over the coming weeks, you will get to witness more and more of this. Of the story behind the person I am today. Of the techniques I had to use to get out of poverty, of the mindset I had to implement to stay positive in the face of a life threatening illness of a child, of the creativity i needed to keep us from permanent homelessness, of the utter inner belief that I somehow had, that we were going to be successful.
Anyone who knew me years ago in D Town, would remember my Grandmothers antique hallstand, that lived just inside my front door. It had a symbol drawn on the mirror in lipstick, Y2KG, and that symbol was a constant reminder for me to “Build My Brand”, to step up and into the person I knew I was inside, regardless of the external influences I was experiencing.
Those year 2000 Goals have driven me to this point. From a overweight, overwhelmed single mother drowning in debt, alcohol, bad food and regret, to a strong, positive role model to my family. From living in two tents, to owning two houses, driving two cars, and leading the best life I could ever have imagined.
You can get to live your dream life too, before its too late. I will be moving this blog to a new web host, blogging more regularly and even creating online courses in positivity, personal branding, living the life you have always dreamed of that will allow me to get the message to more people than I can physically assist at one time. Its a really exciting time for me, and for anyone looking to find their own personal magnificence.
Don’t die with your “life” still inside.
My Dad died at 73 years of age, and was still working towards his retirement. Working towards being able to live the life of his dreams. He never did.
Its now the time to get Inspired about what your Dream Life really looks like.
Its time to get Deliberate with your actions, make goals and set your path.
And it’s time to move your arse towards those goals. Now. Right this minute. Get GOING.
So, buckle up, hold on and come along for the ride. Its gonna be great fun.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

A universal kick up the A*se..

Just when I thought I had this working day caper all figured out.. Along comes a curve ball.

Up till recently my daily schedule consisted of breakfast with the kids, gym, walk or ride, a couple of hours of admin work, lunch, work on my new book, then Zumba before dinner and bed with a great book. Throw in a morning coffee with friends a couple of times a week and there you have it.. A pretty relaxed life style. How lucky was I? 

What the hell was I thinking that the world would let me get away with that cruisey number for any length of time? I really should know better by now. 

If there's one thing I have learned in these past 50 odd years, it's to listen closely and go with the flow. That doesn't mean sit back and let life pass you by, it means gently go in the direction the universe pushes you. I've learned a number of times over the years, to listen, to take notice and to act. 

My biggest lesson was in 2010. For years, I had resisted leaving our family hometown, a close knit community which had become my safety cocoon, but the universe pushed and pushed and pushed, until I had no other option but to move away, to make a whole new start with the kids. Within days, our new house filled with water in the Emerald City Floods and washed away a lot of our possessions. At the time, I was devastated, the kids were coping with moving town, making new friends, finding themselves again. And then the water came and washed everything that was familiar to us, away. 

Now, I can look back and see all the good that happened. Our new community became a strong united force, with neighbours and strangers helping each other out, offering food and water, and practical assistance. We met people we would not have met, if not for the flood. It was a hard few weeks, with no water, power or food available in the shops to buy,  but it was also time we learned so much from. 

I can see now that maybe the water was also sent to cleanse us, free us from the sentimental ties to the past, push us forward onto bigger and better things. We've been given opportunities that we would never have had in D Town, we've made fabulous friends, and moved onto new jobs and new beginnings in relationships. Amongst all the sadness, was the realisation it was actually a turn for the best. 

Now again, I'm feeling the gentle push of a new direction. The world is showing me new opportunity as a means of personal growth. 

I have even been given the telltale signs of a Universal Prod. I've dreamt about the things I should be doing, projects I need to launch,  the difference I could be making in the community.  I've started to see similiar books in the library, related articles appear in my newsfeed, conversations with friends would take a weird turn, the universe is definitely conspiring to move me forward out of my comfort zone.  Oddly enough, I have an inner knowing that there is something I must to do, that it's time to get my shit together. 

No doubt you've all experienced these same symptoms. The feeling of having to be more than you are now, the feeling that perhaps you've a purpose that you aren't fulfilling. That the life you are busily building, isn't quite what it should be.. It's like you have a yearning inside for something, but what? 

If you've ever done any of my wellness training, you will be all too familiar with the phrase Feed Your Fire Not Your Face, and the realisation that what you are yearning for is not chocolate, it's purpose. 

It's passion that we seek, not comfort food. We need to find the drive inside that fuels us. We need to do what makes us alive, what makes the heart sing. You know that old adage, "Find your passion and the money will follow"? It's true. 

I'm a firm believer now that each and everyone of us has been put on earth to help someone else, by living authentically, and by telling our personal story. The real meaning of life is to love, to live what we love, and love what we do. 

In the weeks to follow, you will sense a shift also in the direction of my life, through my blogs and you will get to see first hand the beauty in the ability to live a life's purpose.

I am Jaki Mac, Author, Blogger, Transformational Speaker. Life, Business and Wellness Coach. 

At your service. 

Friday, 8 May 2015

It's Friday Yippee..

'TGIF!! The feeling of not having to get up in the morning for work, to experience a sleep in, a lazy breakfast on the deck and a mid morning gym session.., Ah, bliss.. 

Ooh hang on, I get to do that every day!! What am I thinking? How could I ever forget the feeling of my time now being completely my own? Every day? 

Every day I get up, talk to the kids till they leave for work, then the rest of my day is mine to do as I wish.. Hours and hours of time to fill full of me stuff... Am I the only person out there that finds that bloody difficult?

The kids have grown, and almost all left home. Hugo works away from home. All day every day my time is mine. 

No footy training, or ballet lessons, or chess club to ferry between.  No day care, kindy, preschool, state school pick ups and drop offs. Nothing to do for anyone else but me..

Weirdly, I now find myself being so much less productive, because I now have all the time in the world. My hair dresser appointments are less frequent, my nails no longer shellacked once a fortnight, let's just say the waxing lady doesn't go on holidays with my funds anymore either.. 

I find myself now lost between my iPad, my iPhone and my laptop. I find my books to read pile ever increasing, my blogs to read and video blogs to watch list is growing rapidly.

Remember the good ole days when you wanted to learn something, you went to TAFE or UNI? Two choices. Plain and simple. Easy. Now? I'm finding myself being so bombarded with information from every angle of my life, it's hard to stay on top of it. 

When I exercise, I use an app to track steps and calories burnt. When I read, it's usually on my IPad via the Borrowbox app, I find myself 'checking in' out for coffee with my friends, logging my food and exercise into My Fitness Pal.  

I write for a living, and of course it's all done electronically. Even my sleep gets tracked via my Fitbit.  It's like I've accidentally given up the real world and fallen into a virtual lifestyle instead..  

This shit has gotta stop. 

So, I've spent the last few weeks being gently shaken to the beginning of a new life. A new me.
I've spent umpteen hours thinking about who I am, now my kids have left 'the nest', about what I can do with all the time I have up my sleeve now. Now that I can be who ever I wish, do whatever I wish... Become whoever I want. Reinvent myself from mother, wife, book keeper, safety officer, taxi driver.

But who is it? Who the hell do I even want to be, now the choices are all mine?

What makes me happy? What feeds my internal flame of passion? What do I feel like I am here to do? What makes my heart sing? 


Helping people. Making people feel like somebody special. Smiling, laughing, sharing great times with old friends, meeting new ones. 

Buying less and doing more.

Loving, learning, living. 

I have but one wish for you all, that you too find your inner fire, your inner voice, your passion for life. 

And you get to have the opportunity to live it.

Sometimes, every one of us needs to go away somewhere quiet and simply, BE. 


Sunday, 3 May 2015

Sunday Morning Blogging.

Who could ever complain about Winter mornings in Central Qld?

The sun is shining, the birds are singing and I'm off for a walk soon after this.

I'm grateful.

For absolutely everything in my world.

For the fact that I wake every morning as the sun rises, and I'm given the opportunity to spend another day in my life.

For the fact that by predominantly eating real food, my joints don't ache, and I am happy to get up and exercise. I'm grateful for the way my body now craves good nutrition, and I'm grateful that I'm now happy and healthy.

I'm grateful for the man who pulled out in front of me this morning and allowed me the opportunity to slow down and enjoy the sunshine on my bike ride.

I'm grateful Cate is volunteering at the Triathalon this morning, as it gave me the chance to breathe in that gorgeous early morning vista over Lake Fairbairn.

I'm grateful that my partner works away, as it give me time to remember all the great things I love about him, and missing him reminds me to be thankful for the times that we spend together. 

I am grateful for having realised that giving thanks for all the little things in your life, serves to increase them. It helps the mind stay focused on finding good things, rather than the negative..

On this day, let's all remember to be grateful. To give thanks for the moments that make you smile, like the first flower on your camellia, by the cheek kiss from a child, an early morning text that said nothing but a kiss emoticon that says everything. 

For life. Let's just be grateful for life. And everything in it. 

Enjoy your Sunday. 

Monday, 27 April 2015

Fitness in the Wilderness

I've been quiet here on the blog this past week because Hugo has been home for the first time all year. 

We've spent the week catching up, having coffee at the local shop, doing book work and gardening. 

We went rock climbing, we walked through National Parks and discovered places we've never been before. 

We laughed. A lot.

Usually my week is my own, and I plan it each morning over a cup of tea. I make time for writing, for blogging, for keeping in contact with my friends and for daily excerise. This week, I've gone with the flow. Not planned anything specific and just watched as the days unfolded.

Every single day, I walked over 10 thousand steps, reached my goal of daily exercise and enjoyed every second of it, with ease.  It wasn't a battle, it wasn't a "must do" on my daily To Do List. It was fun, enjoyable, rejuvenating. 

Getting fit and being healthy doesn't always have to mean hard work. I've come to see, over he years, that pushing yourself is often not the way. Being gentle, doing exercise you enjoy, being at one with yourself is the most beautiful way to get healthy. This year I've chosen to give up boot camp, in favour of Zumba. It is in now way as physical, but it makes my heart sing. I feel energised and happy after class. If I have sore muscles, Zumba has a way of relaxing them. I still do weight sessions, but not with the ferocity or comply to the rigid schedule I used to. 

Spending this week bush walking, rock climbing and hanging our in the National Park, has served as a reminder to me, how much energy can be gained by being with nature. Walking along a sandy route on a track unknown, is great fun. Learning about different sites and moments in history along the way invigorate the mind as well. It's much better for the whole of you, than walking 15k on a treadmill in the air conditioning of the gym. 

Sometimes, I too, need a little down time. A time to give thanks, to my legs for carrying me to such amazing places, for my eyes allowing me to see such natural beauty, to my ears to letting me hear the sounds of nature, and my arms for supporting me through the springs and gullies that I roam. 

We climbed to the top of a mountain and located the very best place I have ever seen to meditate. To sit quietly and watch the world, listen to the breeze and the birds and simply breathe. 

Sometimes, we all need to go away, into the bush, and simple BE. 

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Have you ever stopped to think?

What if personal passion was directly responsible for metabolic burn?

Yeah I know, how ridiculous does that sound? 

But what if it's true? 

What if finding your true purpose in life and fueling that fire is all that it takes to ramp up your metabolic burn rate?

What if doing what you love makes you thin and healthy? What if sitting in a job you hate, in a company who's values are opposite to yours, is making you unwell? 

What if your digestion issues are stemmed from the fact that there are "undigested" areas in your life?

What if your extra size is directly attributed to the emotional baggage you cart around?

Holy shit.

I might be onto something. Change your thinking, change your life. 

Trust me.

Saturday, 11 April 2015

City Life by a Country Chick

For all kinds of reasons I've been in Brisbane for three weeks out of the last 4. What was once a shopping Mecca to me is evolving into an ever changing exploration. 

Everyday sees me checking MeetUps to see what's happening in this beautiful city. 

Everyday has bought new coffee shops, cafes, bus routes and friends into my world. 

Everyday has seen new exercise opportunities, new walking tracks that lead to all places unknown.

Everyday has seen my pedometer hit more than 15000 steps with ease. 

Finally,  I am feeling like I belong here. I'm finding cafes in bunkers, farmers and artisan markets. I'm finding opportunity abounds here for healthy living. 

I'm sitting in the Qld State Library Cafe, listening to a brass band and people watching. I'm waiting to attend a talk on Book Publishing, accidentally stumbling across this chance on Easter Sunday. 

To me, I'm being led to discover a new world. One full of opportunity and fun. 

The State Library has nooks and crannies to chill out, websurf, read or study. It has ever changing displays of photographs and artefacts, it has people that are walking their own path. 

Sometimes I used to feel like I was just going through the motions of life. Waking, walking, working through my days. No longer. My life is evolving as well. 

I'm more open to the syncronicity of life, to heading to a destination but happy to vary the journey to arrive. To be more aware of my surroundings, to open my eyes and ears and actually 'be' in my space. 
To feel the wind in my hair, to inhale the aroma of fresh baked goods, to smile at strangers and to truly love the world I've been given to experience. 

I feel I'm being given the opportunity to be the 'real me', as "new agey" as that sounds.  I really believe that I'm being led to find my purpose, the truth in my existence.  

How exciting is that? 

Every day, I find more and more ideas and tips that lead my thinking in a different direction. To enhance my point of veiw about all things health related. I find now when I open the internet or a magazine, the information that hits me first is exactly what I need to read. Reinforcing my beliefs in the need to fuel the fires internally as a way of increasing metabolic rate. Feed the fire, not your face.

I'm in the city, I'm seeing opportunity, I'm gathering information, I'm changing the world. Watch me.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

Is Pot Banging really necessary?

Ah Sunday morning.. You're back. 

It's one of my favourite times of the week. A slow leisurely wake up, a cup of herbal tea on the back deck, watching the birds in the trees and listening to the toddlers play in the park. 
( and feeling the gentle breeze rustling the hairs on my legs.. ARRGGHH, gotta fit some time in for a wax) 😁

Sunday's are also sleep in days for the kids. Remember those days when partying all night and sleeping all day was cool? That's where they're at. My Mum used to bang pots and yell to wake us early, I just let mine sleep in. It's much less stressful. 

Yes they miss out on the sunrise, they spend their day off in bed, they rush around Monday morning trying to get organised for the working week.. Didn't we all? 

I often wonder if it's because I lived on the edge, lived full of adrenaline and rushing about,  that I appreciate the gentler things in life now. I actually enjoy the quiet. Savour the moments watching the sun peep through the early morning must. Relish in the hours of time I get first thing every morning, to walk, to stretch, to swim, to write. 

After all of these years, I'm my own boss. The clock doesn't own me, the scales don't own me. How I choose to spend my time on earth is my decision. How empowering is that? 

Have you ever stopped to think that the stress you place on yourself is unnecessary? That your reaction to any situation is within your control? What would your world be like if you chose to react gently, with peace or even not to react at all? 

My Mum used to bang pots together, we'd get out of bed angry and agitated, and so set the tone of the day. My kids get to sleep in in Sunday's, get to experience waking when the body has had enough sleep, they wake happy and willing to share their stories of adventure from the night before. We talk, we laugh. And we share a family bond. 

It makes life simpler, less stress, less animosity in the house. The energy of our home is calmer. And isn't that a lovely place to inhabit? 

Enjoy your Sunday, I'm off for a swim. 

Friday, 27 March 2015

Gorgeous, Fabulous, Completely Enough.

This afternoon, I'm sad.

I'm part of a number of social media groups that preach Wellness, Good Health and all things fabulous.  In the last hour, I've found myself comforting, online, a sad, lonely women in Central Victoria, because she is crumbling under the pressure of being enough.

Of feeling she is enough. Good enough, smart enough, thin enough, rich enough. All things enough. 

Her cry for help was heart breaking, she was confused and lonely and needed the opportunity to vent. I'm glad she did so on FB, as she was immediately answered by a number of people,  but imagine how much better this lady would feel if she could have been embraced by a physical hug, made a cup of tea, and been given the opportunity to talk over her feelings with a trusted friend instead?

The majority of people who responded also expressed similiar feelings. They were lost, lonely and struggling with their identity now that the children were growing. They expressed feelings of sadness, loneliness, lack of connection to community and spirit, lack of direction. 

What causes these feelings? Is it the internet, is it because we see all our friends posting successful status updates, or their children's award photos? It is because we actually have so much opportunity these days, we cannot choose what we want to do anymore?

Is it the fact there is so much money to be made in the diet, health and cosmetic surgery industry that we are being subjected to constant noise about needing to be perfect? I don't know, but it makes me sad.

You, right now, in your present state, looking just like you do this instant, are enough.

Your re-growth, your tuck shop lady arms, your baggy track pants are gorgeous. Your new gym gear, your soon to be visible six pack abs, your newly varnished toenails, are fabulous. 

Every single aspect of who you are, right this minute, and who you want to be, is enough. 

You are loved by those who matter. 

Your smile and sparkling eyes enchant everyone you've ever met. 

Your gentle spirit and unwavering faith in your children speaks volumes. 

Yes, i also prattle on about healthy living, and it's because I want you all to be the healthiest versions of yourselves that you can be. I want to be able to show you that by being active and raising your children to understand the effects of good food on their health and mental well being. That by living simply, eating real food, by nourishing your spirit and soul and loving yourself as you do those around you, you will be blessed with longevity. I want to inspire you to join me in making change in the lives of our children, and grandchildren, to allow them never having to deal with the effects of obesity, again. 

But most importantly, I want to say to each and every one of you today, you are never, ever alone. We, as women will stand beside you, to make tea, to lend a hand, an ear or a big heartfelt bear hug. 

If I can share with you the one thing that I have learned throughout this whole journey, it is that we are all enough. 

Message me on FitFabnfifty if you need to talk more. 

Saturday, 21 March 2015

With a sprinkle of love, I give to thee...

As usual, any Saturday morning in Brisbane will see me meandering my way through the stalls at Carseldine Farmers Market. I love it. 

The fresh flowers, coffee, fruit and veges, freshly baked breads ( gluten free-winning! ), and paleo treats lead me to seriously believe this is my fave place in the city at the moment. 

I love talking to the stall holders, hearing their passion for their produce, it's like every strawberry, every garlic clove, every paleo fruit muesli contains a part of their heart and soul. 

We've all heard the old excuse that 'eating well is too expensive these days' but is that really true? 

You might pay $1 less per kilo for apples imported from the 'Land of Godknowswhere', but how old is this fruit before it even gets to your house? What chemicals have been sprayed in them to make them last, brighter, more palatable looking? 

I'm probably blessed because I have the ability to make the comparison between my local Fresh Food Supermarket in the Central Highlands, and my local Farmers Market in The City.  Without a doubt, the the fruit and veges I buy from the Market outlasts the supermarket fruit by days, sometimes weeks. 

The amount of fruit I throw away through spoilage far outweighs the extra cost of organic or market bought fruit. 

Shopping at markets also allows me the joy of sampling new foods, exotic fruits, and my new favourite cold pressed iced coffee. Luckily for me, it's only ever a sample, as I'm am 100% sure it could become a new addiction very quickly. 

Maybe it's the love, the care, the passion of the traders and suppliers that makes this food taste so damn good. Who knows? The organic ginger beer man told me it was nectar of the gods, I'm inclined to believe him. 

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Byron Bay and all things beautiful

OMG, I'm in Byron Bay. The Mecca for all things beautiful, food, scenery, people... How ever am I going to survive these next few days?

Turned out, it is very easy to look after yourself here on holidays. Eat fresh, walk every chance you get. 

Hugo and I were easily walking 20000 steps every day, some of those were also up some very steep hills or steps leading to the headland. And I'm not about to fathom a guess how many of those steps were competed whilst doing and Irish Jig after a few pints of Guiness on St Patricks Day. 

Weighed today, not one kilo gained... Yay! I dunno why I'm even bothering to weigh these days. I'm now convinced it's the stress of the scales that make us heavier.. I avoid them as often as possible. 

Eat to nourish yourself, eat like you love yourself, eat like your life depends on it. 

It does.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Wisdom from my two favourite men...

Each morning, in my first waking hour, I quietly pour myself a cup of Irish Tea, and amidst the sanctuary of the garden deck, I plan my day. It's my morning ritual, some people meditate, I plan. I use that time, listening to the birds, whilst the rest of the world awakes, to think about my goals, both long term and daily, and plan my day accordingly.

Today, I had a huge office day planned. I hung out with my kids till they went to work, I made their breakfast, and another cup of tea. This is a pleasure I had been denied for so many years whilst they were small, and I was working full time. Now, I savour the 30 mins of catch up time in the morning. I showered, and gave myself a moisturising mask, said good morning to my online FB buddies. I dressed and headed to the office to start work. As the lights went out. No power. It appears that the Ergon Electical Planner's and my schedule don't match today. Damn. 

A power outage is sooo not on my list today. But, instead of getting agitated or anxious about it, as I would have 2 years ago, my first reaction was to think of a solution. How do I achieve all of my list today with this interruption? Aha. Luv a Coffee. One of my fave places in the Emerald City to escape the summer humidity. The tea is hot, the air con is high, and the people so super friendly. 

So here I sit, at my favourite coffee haunt, in the air conditioning, emailing, blogging, and watching the world go by.. Stuff like this happens in life all the time. All the best made plans go pear shaped. Your power goes out, figuratively speaking. The way around this is being solution focused. Keep your eyes on that goal, that desire, the reason you are working so hard. Your fave workout session is cancelled, go for a swim instead, keep your eye out for other options all the time. If there's not enough people to run the session, do a weight session or use the treadmill. If you're kids come down with an illness and you can't make the gym, do a body weight session at home. Google it.  It's not the end of the world, you don't need to drop your bundle nor fall off the wagon. Continue to  Proceed, as if success is inevitable. 

There's More than one way to skin a cat - quote of my Dads. I didn't really ever quite work out what making cat rugs ever had to do with the situation at hand, when I was younger and he was alive,  but over the years I've come to realise that he was right. If you want something bad enough, there are always ways to achieve that. Maybe not the main stream way, but there's always more than two ways of getting around a problem. 

Who would have ever thought that this single Mum of 5, would work her way to 180k a year job? Would be able to buy a half million dollar home, and finally find peace and security for the kids. Finally be able to have a man in her life that was supportive, honest, kind and faithful. Yep, more than one way to skin a cat. By working hard, keeping my eye out for opportunity and jumping at chances when they arose. By looking forward and being solution focused. 

'It's only a problem if money can't fix it'. This is my new fave quote. It was taught to me by the fabulous Hugo. I have come to have a new vision in life due to this, a new passion, a new confidence. For years and years, I've been so worried about never having the money, the back up, the financial freedom to take a risk, take a chance on a possibility, for fear of what ifs. Worried about squirrelling away what little money I had, rather than allowing and trusting the Universe to fully provide for me. 

Having had to endure the life changing experience of Chuck having a brain tumour at a very early age, makes this quote so incredibly relevant to me. Everything else does not matter. Nothing in the world is as important as having healthy children and people to love and that love you back.  No cars, no holidays, no jet skis, nothing. 

Recently when one of the kids was involved in a minor car accident, my first words were, is anyone hurt? Can money fix it? These simple words also calmed Bill down to a point where he realised that it's true. It's all repairable, replaceable, except health. He walked away without a scratch, the car did not. Although it saddens me to see the scratches and bumps on the car when I think about how hard I worked to buy that car, my very first new car ever, it's really not important. He is safe, he walked away uninjured. I may have worked hard for that car, and been so very proud of it, but that pales into insignifance when compared to the pride and love I feel for him. 

Now, I'm braver. More confident in my dealings. Able to stand up and say, "righto, let's have a go, what's the worst thing that can happen?" And it's been transformational. 

We, as women spend far too much of our time worrying about What If's. We are not predominantly risk takers. We plan, we budget, we struggle to keep it all together. Having to release all my imaginary worries has lifted my spirits, lightened my load and increased my confidence ten fold. It was much more difficult to release these than I imagined. I came to understand that it was my fear of being unstoppable that frightened me more. All these Louise Hays books I'd read, all the motivational memes, the Deepak Chopra quotes, the Secrets behind the Secret... They are all true. 

Bloody hell, I am actually unstoppable.... Even if Ergon have other ideas today. 

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

No Excuses Week.

As you all know the past week, I declared No Excuses Week.

You may ask why? Why bother getting up early and putting on a morning face, and matching exercise wear on the off chance someone might be bothered to turn up and join in? Why bother setting different exercises every single day, to encompass all likes and dislikes? Why bother even getting up early? Who gives a shit about exercise?

I must admit by about Wednesday I was feeling the same way.. With not one non related person turning up.. I felt sad, deflated, and a little bit pissed off that I had even bothered to organise this apparently long anticipated week.

My daughter and I walked, jogged, rode, Water exercised, zumbaed, PT'ed and boxed our hearts out this week. As it turned out, I exercised my body every 12 hours for 5 days straight. I was committed, I was focused and I was organised. And you know something? I feel great. I feel happy and confident, relaxed and damn pleased with myself. I feel tight and toned and much lighter of spirit.

No excuses week, had not one participant that wasn't related to me. Regardless of how many people turned up, we won. We did it. My kids and I showed that regardless of working full time, having other commitments, injuries, different body shapes and fitness levels, that there is absolutely no excuses not to exercise regularly.

It also showed me that very possibly there are SYMMYA followers in need of some mental preparation. That talking the talk and walking the walk are two different things.... One is easy, the other takes commitment and an understanding that anything less  is just an excuse..

At first I was hurt, that only my family came. At first I couldn't understand why, all the people that said they were coming, didn't. At first I was cranky at having to wait every morning till 6.30am to do my morning exercise on the chance someone who'd confirmed may show up... And didn't.

Then I realised that this is my show. This is actually a blog about my personal journey from fat to fit. This is on my terms, totally and absolutely about me. Other peoples lack of commitment doesn't reflect on my ability to be fit. I am not a Personal trainer, I am not an Aqua Aerobics instructor. I am a Mind motivator, and if the only people that care to be motivated at this present time, are my family, who better?

This weeks lack of participants will not put me off my goal, yes my ego was dented, and yes I had a huge list of EXCUSES I was given in No excuses week. I heard them all.  I was actually waiting for the old My Dog Ate my exercise shoes.. It was that bad. But that's not about me. I write a blog and I know it's being read, and I know I make a difference. On a daily basis I receive messages from people who have made incredible changes in their lives and send messages of thanks.

That's who I do this for. Me and the winners. The ones who choose to do what's necessary to win. 

Saturday, 14 February 2015

2015 and all the grand plans...

New Year Resolutions - love them or hate them, it's a great time for reassessing and planning the upcoming year.

Coupled with the obligatory public holidays, the quiet time allows for the ability to sneak off to a corner of the world to think. 

Where do I wanna be in 365 days? What do I want to change in that time? What do I want to continue, grow, get stronger, lose, stop, or walk away from?

A lot of people will tell you to start from the beginning. I prefer to start from the end. Make plans based on where I want to be at years end, rather than where I am now. 

So, with that in mind, I can then plan the steps to get where I want to be. Wanna be stronger?  Schedule in some Pump classes, Wanna run a marathon? Start with the Coach to 5k App.

I liken this to being in a yacht. It's all very well to say you want to go sailing, but you must have an end destination in mind or you spend your holidays bobbing up n down in the local Marina. yea, you're on a yacht and yes you're sailing, but is that really what you wanted?

So, this new year, the beautiful cool dawning of 2015, as the sun rises on your new year, schedule in some time for yourself this year.

Much love and wishes of a safe n healthy new year. J